Happy Birthday Chuck Norris

exercise videos Mar 04, 2023

I had seen a Chuck Norris movie or show before so when the Chuck Norris Jokes started coming out they were hilarious.  In his shows he fights dozen of people at the time and always wins.  So, the jokes giving him super human power just seems only natural.  

Chuck Norris was born March 10th, 1940.  Every March 10th is an opportunity to share cheesy jokes.  One of my favorite things about Chuck Norris Jokes is that you can substitute other people's names in there too!  Below are the Jokes.  And Here is the Workout inspired by Chuck Norris.  



I hope you enjoyed this and got a laugh or two!  Happy Chuck Norris's Birthday to you!

God Bless,

Jeremy "tall trainer"

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Thank you anorexia

healthy lifestyle mindset Feb 21, 2023

Thank you, Anorexia.


Well, does that sound weird to read?  This was a challenge given by my counselor years ago, to thank myself for my anorexia.  I am sure my face scrunched up quite interestingly. Anorexia almost killed me and was a total living hell! Thank myself- that makes NO SENSE. 


At that point of truly getting help I had stopped most of my destructive behaviors. But, my mind was in constant stress. I had been living with such shame, guilt and embarrassment for all of my unhealthy coping methods (anorexia wasn't the only one -I had to thank myself for a lot of harmful behaviors).  It led me to a small life of fear, anxiety, hiding from the world and hiding from my true self. 


I had developed trust with my counselor so I played along with this weird challenge.  Guess what I found in it.  FREEDOM.  There was SO much power in flipping the script that I had told myself for all my “sins”.



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Why am I eating this nasty thing?

It's not my favorite...

Far from it in fact.  There are possibly 100 things I would enjoy eating better.  


I eat it fairly regularly at least 3x per week.  

It's nothing to brag about. 

2 Cans Tuna

1 Can Green Beans

1 Can Corn


So, Why do I do it?


Strangely enough I have several reasons (which is why I do it so often). 


Reason #1 - High Protein and some veggies - 50+ grams

Reason #2 - Portable - Easy to bring to the studio

Reason #3 - Doesn't Spoil - if I don't eat it, it'll be good tomorrow or in 2 months

Reason #4 - Low Prep Time - open, drain, eat

Reason #5 - Cheapness - Compared to grabbing lunch out big savings!

Reason #6 - I don't get bloated after...I feel good

Reason #7 - Actually there are only 6 reasons I can think of.  


So this meal helps me to get protein and nutrients for my body is not a chore to make and saves me $30 a week I figure.  

That's $1,440 per year (48 wks a year).


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This IS healthcare

This is from Christine! We just adore her!

Here is a glimpse of her journey, maybe you can relate?


From Christine:

I have been on both sides of the alley at Tall Trainer. 


When I started as a client in 2013, I  came to class every day, and used the on-line nutrition program. I reached the goals I had set for myself and had never been quite so healthy and fit! The short story is, I became  a trainer and worked at Tall Trainer for a few years.  It was a wonderful experience,  and I learned a LOT! 


Life changes and I decided to step back as a Trainer and focus my energy on family matters. I continued to exercise at home, when I could fit it in, but everything and everyone seemed to take priority over that hour I thought I'd give myself.


So, two years of that and the weight came back, 30 pounds of it to be exact! I was tired, unhappy with how I felt and looked, and angry with myself for allowing the weight to come...

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6 Days Later...He Died

The less dramatic title would be:

Become happier by spreading gratitude – The Gratitude Visit


I am going to share with you a story that I almost don’t believe really happened even though it happened to me.  But first I’m going to recommend you try this… 

 (listen to podcast instead of read)

Martin Seligman the father of positive psychology (www.positivepsychology.org) has developed a list of things you can do to be happier.  One of the most powerful is the gratitude visit. 


The way a Gratitude Visit works is:

  1. Write a letter of gratitude thanking someone for the impact they have had on your life and how important they are to you.
  3. Go visit them (or video call) the more intimate the setting the better.
  4. Read the letter to them
  5. (bring tissues and a REAL hug)
  6. Make someone else feel awesome, while you feel awesome for being the kind of person who would do that!
  7. The feelings and memory persist long after...
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Holiday Game Plan

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2022

The holidays are such a magical time.  But they are also stressful, tiring, and sometimes reminders of how things aren’t quite like a hallmark movie. 

Food has become such a huge part of these special celebrations and in combination with the chronic stress of life most of us find ourselves taking in more food than our body is ready to handle.  Almost every weekend and work day brings on a special treat in our face and it is hard to say “no thank you” without a plan in place.  We accidentally slip into 10 pounds without much thought or even without a “binge”.

Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day themselves don’t derail you from your goals.  2 days of eating to your hearts content will not mess you up long term.  It really is ALL the days in between.  6 weeks of extra food does add on to some pounds.  Even taking on marathon training won’t compensate.

We are not into...

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The Empty Seat

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2022

The holidays can be a wonderful time of year.  A time to gather with family and celebrate food and togetherness.  But…there are sometimes people who won’t be at these meals until we all meet together in heaven.  They passed on, died, or are no longer with us.  Choose whichever term you want since different people will react differently to these phrases. 


As a personal trainer I get to see an often more hidden side of life.  The struggles we all have with relationships, health concerns, stress, and even dealing with death and loss.  You get to know on a deeper level the highly skilled Doctor, the super successful entrepreneur, the big hearted teachers aid, the overwhelmed nurse, the mom at her limits, the TV personality, the pastor, the plumber, and so many more. 


We all have so much more in common than we have differences. 

 Me personally...I'm missing my step grandpa (Bill) he was at every holiday every...

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Are you living for your future??

mindset Nov 10, 2022

This picture is Gwen.  She is holding up her 3 grandkids a total combined weight of about 138 pounds!!  Gwen is a great example of what is possible when you are doing the work of regular exercise and healthy eating.  She is strong, energetic, and healthy.  This is not true of all grandma's or even moms!  But, it is possible for most of us to do this and feel this good in our 50s, 60s, and even 70s (and maybe not all the grandkids in our 80s!)



I know we are supposed to be in the present trying to experience the moment we are in.  Not too lost in the “what if’s” of the future or be stuck in the past. 


But, we all know we need to be thinking of this future thing.   We don’t get to enter our “golden years” without some prior planning if we want it to go smooth-ish.


FAR TO OFTEN we are seeing people reach those years and really stop living life.  They aren’t able to partake...

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Zig Ziglar's Goal Setting Formula (7 steps)

Most people don't set goals right and therefore come no where near achieving them.  Goal Achievement Coach Zig Ziglar has 7 steps to setting a goal that will help massively!

This whole video below is gold but you can get the point and watch just 4 minutes and hear the goal setting formula a couple times.  I typed it out in a PDF for those who want to work on it.  DOWNLOAD PDF HERE.  

Here are the 7 steps:

  1. Write the Objective:
  2. Date to be completed: _____/______/_______
  3. Obstacles I will have to overcome:
  4. People or groups I’ll need to connect and work with:
  5. What do I need to know/learn?
  6. Plan of Action:
  7. List of Benefits for Objective being completed:

When you have time you should really consider watching this full Zig presentation.  What an amazing world we live in that Zig Ziglar is available to us day and night!

(video will start at the goal setting spot and you'll get the idea in 4 minutes of watching)

God Bless,

Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat


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