Food made everything good ...for a moment

transformation stories Mar 20, 2018

For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. For as long as I remember I have struggled to lose that weight. I dealt with many sad experiences as a child and into my adult years. My diet was a straight line for more serious issues. More than I already had. I started taking all kinds of prescriptions that usually cause obesity. I used to joke that those pills were my breakfast. Food comforted me. Food made everything good again. For a moment.  

I had tried EVERY diet you could think of. It was finally suggested (BY MY DR.) that I was a good candidate for gastric bypass. It was a decision I did not take lightly and pondered it for quite some time. Finally, for my son and the sake of my health I gave in. It was difficult and don’t think it was cheating at all. I desperately need help. I was headed for some serious, serious issues. I lost some weight from the surgery but then hit a brick wall. It wasn’t enough and started to have back problems. I had back...

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Live Your Life

mindset Mar 15, 2018

The other morning, I woke up a 2:30am with a rapid fire in my mind of horrible harsh thoughts about myself. My chest was heavy and I couldn’t catch a deep breath. I felt like my whole world was going to crash down. THIS WAS NOT FUN! I mustered up enough strength to get out of bed and sit in my “reading chair”. I just sat there and stared at the clock. It was taking ALL my strength not to have a total panic attack! The thoughts going through my head were horrible! I would never say or think these things about anyone else but myself. 

What I wanted to do most in this was pull out my phone and go on Facebook or Instagram. I wanted to check out and distract myself from the awfulness that was going on in my mind! But I had a moment of clarity. I knew I needed to sit still and FEEL those feelings. Ouch! It hurt! I sat there for 5 minutes and just felt all that pain and insecurity. My head and mind were just a mess. I am a huge fan of journaling so I decided I...

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Roasted Broccoli With Peanuts

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2018

I am always looking for simple ways to make veggies taste good! The original recipe was way to complicated so I shortened it up! This was a winner and the extra step was worth the added flavor and nutrition.


Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees.
1 large bunch of Broccoli or half of a large bag pre cut broccoli ( **I buy the big bag already cut at Wegmans by the lettuce. The cost per pound is CHEAPER and it’s already cut**)
3 tbsp. Avocado Oil.
2 tbsp. Rice Vinegar.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Toss all together on a cookie sheet. Roast for 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile while the broccoli is Roasting
Combine in a saute pan:
1/4 cup Peanuts.
1 tsp. sugar.
2 tablespoons Nutritional yeast or Brewers Yeast.
Saute this until nice a toasty- About 4-5 minutes
Thinly slice 4 scallions.
When the Roasted broccoli is done sprinkle with the toasted nuts and top with scallions.

I hope you enjoy!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with nutritional yeast (I wasn’t until I...

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I noted how fit and Healthy my wonderful neighbor looked

transformation stories Feb 20, 2018

Over the years, I read stories in the Daily Messenger about Tall Trainer. A few years ago, I noted how fit and healthy my wonderful neighbor Dawn looked. She told me she was working out with the Tall Trainer and spoke about how they work around an individual’s physical limitations and that she enjoyed the system. Last fall, I saw my neighbor again and asked if she was still going to Tall Trainer. She resoundingly said yes and admitted what an addiction it had become.

I was interested in losing weight. I was looking for a program that would fit into my work schedule and might be inspiring enough to succeed with. I called Tall Trainer and heard some details around how the Boot Camp program combines fitness, nutrition and group personal training, a very well rounded approach, etc. My immediate interest was to lower the numbers on the bathroom scale, that other stuff was interesting fluff. I did have the faith this would be somehow different than the $10/month fitness club I...

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Warm Romaine Salad

recipes Feb 05, 2018

I don't know about you all but Salads in the Winter are a struggle.  In the summer I love salads and actually crave them.  But when the temperature goes below 30 degrees I want NOTHING to do with them.  We like to make lots of veggie soups to keep our nutrition levels going strong BUT I made this little concoction on a frigid day and wanted to share!  I have been eating these every chance I get and LOVE them!  
It's super easy to make and you can do any variation your little hearts desire.
Cut ONE romaine heart in half. (I like to buy the bags of romaine hearts). Heat a skillet with 1/2 tbsp of oil.  I either use a flavored oil or avocado oil.  Saute one side for 2-3 minutes.  Sprinkle the other side with 1/2 tbsp of oil, Flip and saute for 2 minutes. Sprinkle with himalayan salt or sea salt.
The lettuce is nice and warm but still crisp.  The oil becomes the salad dressing and you don't need to...
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One Minute Exercise- Scale Pulse

exercise videos Jan 25, 2018

Hey Friend,

*keep in mind this exercise may not be for you! Consult your Doctor before beginning any exercise program 
Exercise Benefits: 
  • Balance 
  • Shape and tone the Legs 
  • Stretch and Strengthens Legs 
  • Improves posture and strengthens lower back
CLICK HERE or on the Picture to see this month's exercise in action!
(video is only 1 minute!)
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I started to realize my clothes were getting snug-er!

transformation stories Jan 18, 2018

Prior to last year, I worked in Buffalo for 8 years, staying there during the week.  I rented a room from a lady and although I had full access to the kitchen, cooking is not for me.  Tried to bring food for the week with me on Monday mornings and it was usually just skimpy salads, sandwiches, cheese & crackers and the like.  Easy to make/easy to eat but not too nutritious.  That was my "work life" and when I came home on the weekends I usually stayed home  because I was away from home all week.  My husband has been doing all the cooking for years now and I've been eating the delicious meals he makes... almost always going back for seconds!

I started working from home a year ago June and my office just happens to be right around the corner from the refrigerator.  By September of last year I started to realize my clothes were getting snug-er and I wasn't doing anything for exercise. I had been seeing the Tall Trainer ads in the Penny Saver for...

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Grape Salsa

recipes Jan 04, 2018

Christine shared this recipe with me that she has had for years!  This is so light and refreshing.  We added this on top of chicken, but it would add amazing flavor on top of steak or pork.  The left overs I ate as a snack with a few of the pumpkin tortilla chips.  

It's a great way to add/sneak in some for fresh fruit and vegetables!
Grape Salsa:
1 cup seedless green grapes (quartered)
1 cup seedless red grapes (quartered)
1 cup cucumber diced
2 tbsp. Lime juice (or lemon would work)
2 tbsp. fresh cilantro
1 tbsp. finely sliced jalapeno (optional)
salt to taste.
Combine and mix all together.  Chill 1 hour stirring occasionally before serving.
**I only halved my grapes.  I did about 6 quartered and thought "I don't have time for this" :). It still tasted great!!**

I hope you enjoy! 
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The NEW incentives in Boot Camp

New Boot Camp Climb

We've been thinking about this for years and finally have decided on a way to do it.  We wanted to allow you to have more to shoot for than just survival of boot camp so we've made levels and incentives similar to the martial arts system.  Watch the video to find out more!  If you weren't here on day one this month definitely watch the video!  CLICK HERE

My hope it this helps you to reach higher and do better!  2018 is going to be a GREAT year!

Jeremy 'tall trainer' Biernat

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Dairy Free Egg Nog

recipes Dec 05, 2017

I grew up having the original raw egg and all eggnog every year at my "Nana's" house.  She always made it Christmas Eve after a lasagna dinner.  It defiantly left my stomach in agony! But, I love it so much I would still drink it year after year.  Now I crave a glass just as a memory of my childhood Christmas' with my grandparents.

I found a dairy free recipe that tastes like the original without the agony.  This is still a treat but a better option and less sugar.
Dairy Free Eggnog (serves 2)
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked in water overnight and drained)
1.5 TBSP maple syrup
Pinch of Cinnamon
Pinch of Nutmeg (freshly grated is the best)
Drop of pure vanilla extract
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Chill or serve over ice.
Grab a fancy glass, sit down, a sip the memories :)
I hope you enjoy! 
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