17 Benefits! The obvious and the one's I didn't conceive!

transformation stories Sep 17, 2015

Angela Testimonial

Benefits of me being committed to my health and going to Tall Trainer:

 The obvious:

  1. I feel better physically
  2. I feel better mentally
  3. I feel better spiritually
  4. I have lost weight
  5. I have reduced inches
  6. I have less body fat
  7. I am on only a minuscule amount of blood pressure medicine (father died of a massive stroke at age 56) - down from 2 daily blood pressure medicines and a diarrheic.
  8. I am stronger.
  9. I have more confidence.
  10. My knees do not torture me.

 Now for the benefits I am reaping but didn't conceive of when I joined Tall Trainer:

  1. The volume of my lungs has increased dramatically. I have many allergies and have weak lungs. My peak flow meter (measures the volume of an exhale) has been in the range of 335-350 for the past 30 years. After one year at Tall Trainer, my peak flow meter now reads 480! Unbelievable!
  2. From the increase in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and protein in my food intake, my hair now has a natural curl!!! My hair, all of my...
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Roasted Beet Hummus

recipes Sep 15, 2015

I have been taking baby steps to liking beets over the years.  I remember as a kid my mom boiling them and wanting to gag.  It looked like she was eating something out of a horror movie to me.

I was at the public market and this sweet farmer convinced me to buy some of his beets.  They are so beautiful.  I then gave them to a friend.  The next week I was picking vegetables at another friends garden and she had the most beautiful beets.  I was faced with a mission to LIKE beets. They were haunting me at this point.  Until this recipe I could only handle about 2 bites of a pickled sweet beet before the gag response started.  BUT I LOVE BEET HUMMUS!  I might even be a little addicted to it right now.  Don’t be scared. Give it a shot.  It’s fun to try new things!  It is relatively cheap to make, so if you hate you can give it to me!

  • 2 medium-sized Red Beets
  • 1 Cup cooked chickpeas
  • 1 Clove...
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This Months Exercise of the Month is The Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift

exercise videos Sep 03, 2015
This Months Exercise of the Month  is The Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift. 

This may not be for everyone but it's a great exercise for the Butt and the back of the thigh.  (click the image to watch the demo video)

This exercise while challenging balance wise can help you to improve balance and shape/tone and strengthen the hips and hamstrings. 

Watch the video above to learn how to do it correctly. 

If you have questions please leave a comment on the page!

Your Trainer,
Jeremy "the tall trainer" Biernat

2510 Rochester Road (rt. 332)
Canandaigua, NY 14424

P.S. here is a link in case the one above doesn't work https://youtu.be/l6Zl0CNNT20

P.P.S. - If you want to learn 100's of exercises per month join us at tall trainer fitness!

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Spiced Zucchini Soup

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2015

Spiced Zucchini Soup
A GREAT way to use up those giant zucchini that take over the garden!
Serves 4-6ish

2 Tablespoons butter or coconut oil
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground coriander
1 large sweet onion, cut into chunks
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 pounds of zucchini, cut into chunks (about 8 cups)
2 cups low-sodium chicken stock or vegetable broth
Salt and ground black pepper

1. Melt the butter or oil in a soup pot. Add the cumin, coriander, onion, garlic, zucchini, and stock or broth. Cover and cook for 2 minutes, reduce the heat, and simmer until the vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes.
2. Cool to about room temperature. Purée in batches in blender until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve hot or chilled. Top with low-fat plain Greek yogurt. (Optional)

Suggestion: Add extra veggies (not puréed) to the soup for more vegetable intake. Chopped, cooked kale or spinach works very well. Also carrots (cooked), green beans, mixed vegetables, etc. as this...
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One of the hardest obstacles of boot camp for me was the SCALE.  I was (and some days still am) a person whose day was ruled by the number on the scale.


My back-story:

I was a “solid” kid who was much larger than the other girls in my class.  In the 3rdgrade I became very aware of my body being bigger. My “dieting” began that year.  But I was clueless and I also loved sugar.  I steadily gained weight and THEN came high school!  My freshman year in gym class, we all had to stand in a line to get weighed.  I had an old hag of a gym teacher who said the numbers out loud as she weighed us.  To me she might as well have been announcing this over the loud speaker.  As she said the number there were a few that heard it. One boy said “she weighs more than me”.   I clearly remember my body trembling, my stomach hitting the floor and literally wanting...

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One Arm Band Chest Press - Exercise of the Month

exercise videos Aug 01, 2015

To be even more helpful I have a featured exercise for you!

CLICK HERE- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc124jKeWhY

One arm chest press with the band...

This is a great arm exercise of course but it is also one of my favorite CORE exercises.  Watch the video above to learn how to do it correctly. 

If you have questions please leave a comment on the page!

Your Trainer,

Jeremy "the tall trainer" Biernat

2510 Rochester Road
Canandaigua, NY 14424

P.S. - If you want to learn 100's of exercises per month join us at tall trainer fitness!

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Sarah's 35th Birthday Workout

exercise tips Jul 22, 2015

Sarah's 35th Birthday Workout

Here is a workout we did to celebrate my amazing wife's 35th birthday! It requires no equipment and you can work at your own pace. This workout is considered a ladder. You climb down and if you have time you can climb back up again.

There are 4 exercises in each round. The first round you do each one 35x the next 30x - 25x - 20x - 15x - 10x - 5x. You can take a rest break then or go after the next round with 4 new exercises and climb back up. Round 1 5x of each of the 4 exercises, then - 10x - 15x - 20x - 25x - 30x - 35x.

If you are working out with someone faster than you, you can challenge them to climb back down again on the last set. This workout could take anywhere from 30 - 60 min. Also, you don't have to start at 35x if you aren't as sure of yourself. You can start at 20x and on set 2 just climb to 20x (or other number that feels right for you)

Set 1 Exercises - (climbing down from 35 by 5's) V -ups
High Knees

Arm Circles

Set 2...

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"Detox" Salad

recipes Jul 07, 2015


By: Sarah Biernat

This light salad is LOADED with nutrients and keeps you feeling FULL. It makes a huge batch that will keep up to a week in the fridge....if it lasts that long!!!


  •   2 broccoli crowns

  •   1 head cauliflower

  •   2-3 carrots

  •  1 small bunch kale (stems removed)

  •   1⁄2 cup parsley

  •   1⁄2 cup sunflower seeds

  •  1⁄2 cup almonds, chopped

  • 1 cup dried berries (cherries, cranberries,


  •  Juice of one lemon

  •  2 tablespoons rice vinegar (or other mild

    flavored vinegar)

  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup

  • Salt & pepper (to taste)



continued on page 2



  1. Cut the broccoli and cauliflower into florets.

  2. Cut the carrots into large chunks.

  3. Roughly chop the kale.

  4. In a food processor fitted with a steel blade,

process the broccoli, cauliflower, kale and parsley until fine and add them to a large mixing bowl. (It will probably...

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How to NARROW your Waist...(It ain't about crunches!!!!)

How to NARROW your Waist...(It ain't about crunches!!!!)

I made a quick video for you about how to actually narrow your waist.  I talk through 5 things you need to consider and FIX in order to have the narrow waist you are looking for. 

>>Click Here to watch the Video <<

Stay warm out there!!!!

Your Trainer,
Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat


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How many reps for maximum toning and results?

How many reps do you need to do for maximum toning?

This is a very confused topic. Some people thing they have to do 50 reps others think 8-12 reps, some people even believe it’s 1-3 reps.

(for those who don’t know reps is short for repetitions and is the number of times you perform a resistance exercise before you take a rest)

That’s quite a range! Anywhere from 1 – 50?

(here is a chart taken from research on the subject)



Because it makes you think you can’t get stronger with 20 reps or more muscle at 30 reps. These are the optimal numbers from the research but this research is usually done on college students mostly male.

I used to take this chart as gospel until I actually taught group exercise. I used to teach a resistance class that was pre-choreographed. That means all the moves were determined ahead of time. There was a song that all you did was squat. So for like 4-5 minutes you were doing always...

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