Fit Minute - Lunge Position Row

exercise videos Jul 27, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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5 things I wish everyone knew about health, fitness, and nutrition

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2019

I got another chance to go on the news and share something helpful.  I decided to share these 5 things because I see a lot of people get crushed when they miss these truisms.  

1.) Normal food can be slowly poisoning you

2.) Most vegetarians don't even eat enough vegetables

3.) Better posture decreases pain and sucks in your gut 

4.) The Argument is not between strength training and cardio

5.) Eating healthy is WAY cheaper


Watch the segment for details.  


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do...

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Fit Minute - Plank Back Fly

exercise videos Jul 20, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Not as Advertised

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2019

Not as advertised?


Here’s a question for you do ponder…are you “as advertised”?


Here’s what I mean by this…


It’s been 10 years since I asked Sarah to marry me.  My goal is to be “as advertised” or better.  Maybe with a little wear and tear.  But, I’m shooting for minimal.  My wife is awesome and I feel dang lucky to have captured her attention and her life long commitment.  I’m no pie in the sky dreamer though.  I know full well that 50% of marriages end in divorce and not one person planned on that divorce on the wedding day (or during the proposal).  We’ll perhaps there was a few crazy scenarios out there but you know where I’m going. 


I wrote a blog post about package labels being the online dating profile of your food.  How was I advertised?  She certainly got more than she bargained for.  Not all in a good way. ...

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Fit Minute - Floor Scrubby Abs

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Seeds of Change

mindset Jul 02, 2019

Seeds of Change


One of the highlights for the warmer weather months is family walks! I look forward to seeing the small things I usually take for granted, hearing the chatter of my children and not seeing the particularly large pile of laundry! When we go for our walks it usually is to check the fields my husband has planted in the spring. We check to see how they are growing and if there are any problems occurring.  


Last night we went to check our soybean field and saw that they were just popping up and I just had to take the picture for you to see! When you look around that little seed it is shocking that delicate little plant could push its way through such heavy clay soil. That little seed was planted and fertilized with hopes it would grow and seeing it actually emerge is quite amazing and a proud moment for the farmer!  


That had me thinking about our journeys to better ourselves. We plant this hope that we can transform ourselves...

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Every Single Person has Baggage

mindset Jul 01, 2019



I am gluten for punishment. Plain and simple. I have these grandiose ideas and somehow my husband says yes... rather reluctantly bless his heart! First it was the orphaned lambs that lived in our dining room while I bottled fed them, then there were the ducklings in our mud room in a cardboard box and now I am staring at a puppy in our living room chewing his bone.


We lost our sweet dog 1 1/2 years ago and a few months ago decided our family needed a friend for our kids.... and possibly me. So long story short we have a 5-month-old puppy we rescued this week. Now, this is our first puppy experience. So, there's that. Turns out they are a lot of work! Holy cuteness overload though!! He is just the sweetest thing which almost makes stepping in a puddle of pee in my kitchen worth it. Almost. 



Well, this poor boy has to wear a cone due to eye surgery.  This cone is a hindrance to him. He can't see...

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Fit Minute - Dumbbell overhead step up

exercise videos Jun 29, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Fit Minute - Banded Leg Kickback

exercise videos Jun 22, 2019

About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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