Fit MInute - Deadlift

exercise videos Jun 15, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Muscle Work Outside - Using a Park Bench

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2019

I took a break from going on the news to try to sleep.  Our nearly 8-week old baby Hope is doing well!  I got back out to the news today.  They are so kind and fun there!  Really good people.  Someone once asked if they were as nice of people as they seem...I told them that they are even better than they seem!

I know a lot of people are getting outside.  Many just to do cardio exercise or yard work :o).  We need muscle workouts too.  Here is a workout that will help you tone up and keep the muscles around using a park bench.  Click Here or on Picture to watch.  

About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate...

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Fit Minute - Clean and Press

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Fit Minute -Squat Press

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2019

About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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I Block All Food Posts on Facebook, Here's Why

Uncategorized May 29, 2019

Stretchy cheesy goodness. Perfectly smooth sauce. Cookies that look ready to melt in your mouth. That was what my Facebook feed looked like awhile back. I was inspired in so many ways. None of those ways helped me to be a better person!

There is an epidemic of food posts on social media. It seems like there is a new heart attack inducing recipe popping up every day. And they all look SO GOOD. 

So I decided I would no longer be a victim, and began unfollowing each Group or Page that was responsible for creating them. I've unfollowed over 50 to date. 

I don't need any help in being more unhealthy, I can manage that just fine on my own thank you! 

The more we are exposed to certain foods or thoughts of foods, the more we will crave. And the stronger those cravings will be. 

Take charge over your thought life. Each and every little picture, video, and bit of text will lodge itself in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious can be a seemingly irrational,...

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Diet Tug of War

mindset weight loss May 29, 2019

The only battle you will always lose is the battle you have with yourself – John Bradshaw


(this topic is not for everyone, if you don’t want to get too deep enjoy the quote and move on)


John Bradshaw is a titan of family dynamics.  His practice has found that most of us are at war with ourselves.  We know that when we argue with someone else someone always loses.  Your odds are infinitely less favorable when you argue with yourself.  In the Bible it says: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” – KJV. 


I see this happen inside myself and I see it happen in the people we get to work with too.  They want to lose weight yet they keep sabotaging their own success.  The felt expectations of the world around them cause them to ignore basic self-care.  Logically we know that neglecting self-care will have negative consequences.  But, knowing and feeling are the two places at...

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Fit Minute - Wide Band Walk

exercise videos May 25, 2019


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

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Chewing is not the first stage of digestion

healthy lifestyle mindset May 23, 2019

Chewing is not the first stage of digestion

There are several steps to the digestive process and all have a purpose.  I wanted to share something with you today that I think is awesome. 


Chewing is most often referred to as the first stage of digestion.  I even say that sometimes when my talk is a little more simplified.  If we look as digestion there are several steps and I’ll put them in order here:


  • Chewing and saliva
  • Stomach acids and enzymes
  • Small Intestine absorption
  • Large Intestine bacteria and more absorption
  • Elimination


I’m going to share with you some things that happen before chewing that make a big deal in the digestive process. 


Selection and Anticipation


The food we choose to eat would be the first part of digestion.  What we choose determines much of the process.  Most digestive issues are fixed by selections of different foods.  Indigestion, bloating, gas, heart burn,...

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"Conflict arises when there is a difference between expectations and reality"

mindset May 22, 2019

“Conflict arises when there is a difference between expectations and reality” – Dr. Tim Elmore (on Andy Stanley Podcast)

I was listening to a podcast and pulled this quote out.  It was a great reminder to me.  This is in fact the only reason for conflict.  If we take this to one extreme.  If someone expects to be treated badly when they are it doesn’t cause a conflict.  If you expect to be treated fabulously and are treated mediocre there is a conflict. 


You could think that one solution would be to not get your hopes up.  And some people use this strategy.  I think there does need to be more of this.  Entitlement is the king of conflict.  Of you feel owed something you get a bit sad, upset, or angry if you don’t get it. 


I don’t know about you but I love dealing with thankful daughters rather than entitled. 


“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled...

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Thereā€™s no such thing as throwing like a girl or girl push-ups

mindset May 20, 2019


As a father of two girls and a trainer to many more, I’ve never liked the term “girl push-ups”.  When people say this they are referring to push-ups performed from the knees.  I have an equally yucky taste in my mouth when someone says “you throw like a girl.”  It’s not considered a compliment.  Throwing like a girl is really just an immature and/or unpracticed throwing pattern.  The most notable feature is that the right foot is in front when throwing with the right hand. 


We handicap our girls by using terms like this.  I’ve been a trainer for over 15 years now and I have never used the term “girl push-up”.  One of the biggest reasons is, that its not just girls that should do these.  I have trained many guys who need to start with push-ups from the knees before progressing to push-ups from toes.  If you get too greedy or feel shame in doing push-ups from knees and...

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