4 Ingredient Chicken Zucchini Rolls

recipes Mar 05, 2019

Serves 6
3 cups cooked shredded chicken breast — skinless
2 cups + 1/2 cup store-bought spaghetti or marinara sauce or homemade tomato sauce
3 medium zucchini — sliced lengthwise- 1/8" thick (I used a mandoline to make the zucchini slices.)1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
*Preheat oven to 375°.
*In a medium bowl, mix shredded cooked chicken and 1 1/2 cups of tomato sauce. Stir well.
*In a casserole dish, spread 1/2 cup of tomato sauce on the bottom.
*Before you start assembling the zucchini rolls, place a piece of wax paper, aluminum foil, or a clean cutting board on the counter and lay out the zucchini slices.
*First, spread about 3 tablespoons of the chicken mixture over each individual zucchini slice.
*Then, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese. Save 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese to top the zucchini noodles when you place them in the prepared casserole.
*Carefully roll up and place them in the prepared casserole dish.
*After that, top the...
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Chicken Curry Salad

recipes Mar 05, 2019

In February I had the pleasure of going to Waco Texas with my mom to do the whole "Chip and Joanna" experience.  For those of you who don't know them- they are an amazing couple who renovated houses in the Waco Texas area.  They also have a store "Magnolia Farms aka The Silo's"  and restaurant called the Magnolia Table.   We had the chicken curry salad and it was delish!  I decided to re-create one of JoAnn's recipes into a little healthier version.  
Chicken Curry Salad (serves 6)
4 cups Shredded chicken breast
1 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup minced chives
1/2 cup sliced almonds toasted
1 cup 4% greek yogurt
1-2 tbsp. Liquid Amino Acid or Coconut Amino's (has a soy sauce flavor)
2 tbsp. Curry Powder
1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp sea salt or Himalayan Salt
1/2 pepper
Shred the chicken and add in the celery, chives and almonds.  I like to combine all the other ingredients and then add to the...
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Why GMO’s are a good thing

healthy lifestyle Mar 04, 2019

 It’s really easy to find things to demonize.  Turn on the news, read a newspaper, or gossip about the neighbors.  It’s easy to find someone to criticize or blame for a problem.  If we can step outside of ourselves and see the other angles it can be very enlightening.  It doesn’t mean you change your beliefs.  It just means you understand the other point of view better. 


When we get into this black and white thinking it takes us down a bad mental, emotional, and spiritual path.  Now before I tell you about the good of GMO’s let me assure you that in our modern 1st world country we have infinite choices and we should choose not to eat GMO crops for the most part. 


So why are they good?


Let me explain to you how I came to understand the gray area.  We have a book called “the kid who saved the world” by Andy Andrews.  It’s a kids book and it’s super cute. ...

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Unauthorized Food Pyramid

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2019

I’m not a dietician or nutritionist but I do listen to what they say.  I decided to make a food pyramid that was a little more reality friendly and still helped people to understand what they should be eating. 


The least controversial of these is the top and bottom of the pyramid.  Most people, no matter what “diet” they promote, would agree that the fewer processed foods anyone eats, the better.  Also, most people would not argue with the fact that vegetables are good for you.  Shoot, parents have been trying to get their kids to eat veggies since the beginning of time!  Pretty much the more veggies, the merrier. 


The second bar from the bottom Meat and Fruit is a pretty controversial one currently. The big trends right now are “plant-based or veganism” and “keto” which is mostly a repackaged Atkins diet. Keto says no fruit basically and vegan’s say no meat.  I think both can be...

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My Trainer Adjusted My Posture, NOW IT'S SO MUCH HARDER!

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2019


Have you ever had this happen? You're happily going about your workout and then you can see the trainer make a bee line for you. Your heart jumps. You must be doing something wrong. The trainer offers a few words of (hopefully) gentle correction and then the exercise becomes nearly impossible.

During your next set you try to abide by the advice given, but it makes the exercise 10x harder. 

Why is that?

Let's compare your muscle to a group working on a project. In any lift or exercise, there are multiple muscles being asked to perform different functions. When you give the signal to your muscles to "bring that barbell from my waist to my shoulders" you will perform a biceps curl. But not all biceps curls are created equal. 

Not all teams are created equally either. I can remember group projects in college. They usually went something like this: one group member is the bossy one and is bound and determined to get an A on the project. Two group members are neutral and...

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No Bake Energy Bites

recipes Feb 27, 2019

These are so good.  If you are one who is always grabbing an energy bar this is a great alternative that hasn't been processed and you can control the quality. 
I like that they are small, I find most bars are too many calories for what I need in the moment but somehow I finish the whole darn thing.  With that said WATCH OUT because the calories can add up quick with these.  
I often pop one before a workout when I am not fueled enough and don't want a lot of volume in my stomach.  
No Bake Energy Bites
1/2 cup of almond or peanut butter
2 tsp. unsweetened coconut (optional)
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 Tbsp. Jam (any flavor)
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 Tbsp hemp hearts or seeds
1 tsp. vanilla extract (I have used maple and it was amazing too)
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (optional)
In a bowl mix all ingredients together until well combined.  
The mixture is a little sticky so I used a...
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Fit Minute - Up Down Plank

exercise videos Feb 26, 2019

About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in their lives. He doesn’t do everything perfect, cries in movies, and would love to hear from you. You can contact Jeremy by commenting to this post, emailing [email protected], or calling 1(800)380-7047. 

Please share this with friends!

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Diet is a Noun, not a Verb

Uncategorized Feb 26, 2019

I could almost leave it at that but I’ll add a little detail.  It is not something you DO it is something you have.  Diet the noun is the typical food for an animal or person.  You shouldn’t go ON a diet.  You already HAVE a diet.  Now it may be terrible, but it’s yours.  If you make a radical change to yourdiet, it’ll work for a little while. 


But…when it breaks down you go back to your typical eating and gain it all back and then some.  Instead take what you are already eating and make a small change that you can live with.  When people join our program they are sometimes shocked we don’t have a “DIET PLAN” for them to follow.  There are helpful guiding principles in nutrition that we try to improve on but that can look very different person to person. 


Don’t go on the “Stone age diet” or the “Plants only diet”.  Go on the (your...

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I was so frustrated and embarrassed

transformation stories Feb 26, 2019

I'd like to start by saying I am a very private person and hate being the center of anything so doing this testimonial for all to read will be very difficult but I honestly hope that in doing so can spark the interest and motivate someone to realize it's time to get up, get moving, get healthy so they can enjoy life for many years to come, as Art Williams would say "JUST DO IT!", so here goes:

I worked at a job for over 20 years and I really enjoyed it, until the company went through many changes at all management levels, plus many layoffs in production, they even froze pay raises and took money away. After laying off my workers my dept. I was expected to do the same amount of work. This became very stressful, and I even gained a new boss who thought he was all that, he wasn't and treated me like I didn't know anything and worse a female.  It hit me, I was stressed, overworked, and so unappreciated, all with having chronic migraines, hair literally falling out, and...

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Sweet Potato Waffles

recipes Feb 26, 2019

This was SO good and something out of the ordinary breakfast for us.  Try this on a slower weekend morning home when you don't have to rush out the door  or even dinner!  
Makes 4 large Waffles
3 medium Sweet Potatoes grated
3 large eggs
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/4 tsp. smoked paprika
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or salt
Sauted Kale or baby spinach in a little oil with salt and pepper
Eggs- fried or scrambled
Heat a waffle Iron.
In a medium mixing bowl whisk 3 eggs and spices.  Then mix in grated sweet potatoes.
Spray heated waffle iron and add mixture to cover all quadrants.   Cook until outside is lightly golden and starts to crisp.  Ours took about 5 minutes.
Saute Kale or spinach while cooking waffle.
Slice avocado
Fry or scramble eggs.
I like to make mine as a sandwich using 1/2 a waffle, fried egg, a few slices of avocado and sauted spinach.  You could do...
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