1 Mile = 100 Calories

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2019

Well about 100 Calories at least. Give or take for body size etc. This is a rough estimate to help you get an idea of how much movement is required to lose weight. There are 3,500 Calories in a pound of body fat. This means it could take 35 miles to burn 1 pound. 5-miles a day 7-days a week. That’s a lot of walking or running!


As the weather changes we have more opportunities to do this. If you can combine great workouts, extra movement (like walking), and more awareness of nutrition you can do VERY well in your weight and health.


Just a little something to think about.


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he...

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Cherry Pie Smoothie Bowl

recipes Mar 20, 2019

Talk about refreshing!  Sit down and savor this on a hot summer evening and it will be a real treat!  
I think the lemon in this IS my favorite part, don't skip it!  USE THE LEMON ZEST!
There is something about sitting down and eating this with a spoon opposed to drinking it like a smoothie that takes it to a special place :)
(Serves 2)
Smoothie Bowl:
1 Frozen Banana
1 cup Frozen Cherries
1/4 cup plain Greek Yogurt
2 Tbsp Almond Milk (more or less for desired thickness)
Zest of 1/4 Fresh Lemon
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
Blend all together.  You will want this thicker than a smoothie with a straw.  I had to use our "plunger" for the Vitamix to get it all incorporated.
I topped mine with 
1 tsp. Cocoa nibbs
1 tbsp Slivered Almonds
2 tsp. Hemp Hearts
You could do any nut, nut butter, fresh fruit, chia seeds... or just PLAIN, it's that good!
p.s.  The bowl itself per 1 serving is around 130 calories...
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Red Pepper Sandwich

recipes Mar 20, 2019

YOU . ALL . THIS . IS . SO . GOOD . 
Usually I roll my eyes when I see ideas like this.  Red Pepper for "bread", that's totally lame.  But then I realize that's my defiant, junk food loving self that used to be 60 pounds heavier talking.  I am choosing to eat more veggies and this is a fast delicious way to make a tasty lunch.   
Cut the top off a Red Pepper (or any color) . 
Scoop out the seeds.
Cut in half.
Make your sandwich any way you like.
My favorite is
Smoked Turkey breast
Get creative though, so MANY things would taste good inside this!

Sit down and ENJOY!!


I still choose a real bread sandwich from time to time too:)
-Sarah CPT, ACSM, RN
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Brussel Sprout Salad

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2019
If you don't like Brussel sprouts don't write this one off immediately.  It doesn't even taste like you are eating them.  
This is a great salad to have on hand or bring to a picnic.  Super fast to put together and tastes amazing! 
2 lbs. thinly cut Brussel sprouts ( I got 2 packages of the shaved Brussel sprouts found in the produce dept.)
1/2 cup Slivered Almonds - Toasted
1 cup fresh blueberries.
For the Dressing:
1/3 cup olive oil
2 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp. Poppy Seeds
1/3 cup Rice Vinegar (any vinegar would work fine)
salt and pepper to taste
Place the top 3 ingredients in a large bowl.  Whisk together the dressing in a separate bowl and then combine well.
This stores well for 4-5 days in the refrigerator
Nutritional Information per 1/10 of salad
179 calories . 13g carb . 5g protein . 14g fat.
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What am I capable of?

mindset Mar 14, 2019
What am I capable of????

I was recently listening to a book and it asked the question, “What am I capable of?” That really struck a chord with me. When was the last time I asked that and really reflected on it? More so, Do I ask in a positive way? My first instinct was to spin it on the negative. Thinking of all the things I dream of doing but am not. All the things I do that I wish I did not. I am capable of being a whiny baby, snapping at my husband, polishing off a WHOLE bag of Dorito’s in one afternoon, or not getting my checklist done for that day...well that’s not encouraging or inspiring!

BUT what if I asked that question in a positive way. What am I really capable of? The truth is we are ALL capable of being a better version of our self. Of pushing a little harder in a workout. Of eating a little healthier, or saying NO to some things so we can say YES to the things that will really move us forward to a better...

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Sweet Potato Toast

recipes Mar 14, 2019

These are so fun, packed full of nutrients and SUPER tasty! 
Get creative on your toppings!
Sweet Potato Toast
*Preheat oven to 350.
*Trim both ends from the sweet potato using a knife.
*Slice sweet potato lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slabs using a knife or mandolin slicer.
*Arrange slabs in a single layer on baking sheet.  
*Bake for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are tender but not fully cooked (watch to be sure they don’t burn!)
*Remove pan from oven and allow potatoes to cool on wire rack completely before transferring to a lidded container storage container. 
Store in the fridge for up to 4 days.
*Toast before topping in a toaster or toaster oven
My Favorite Toppings so Far:
Plain Greek Yogurt
Fresh Blueberries
Drizzle of Maple Syrup
Shredded Chicken
BBQ sauce
Almond Butter 
Plain Greek Yogurt
Drizzle with Honey
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How dating advice can apply to your food.

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2019

When you are selecting food just as when you are selecting a partner here are the steps you should consider. 


Where do the good ones hangout?


The chances of finding a high quality mate in a bar are very slim.  You need to go where there is a higher concentration of loyal, consistent, and healthy people.  It's the same with food.  Bar food is not the type of food you should get married to.  (For this article married to food = eat it, since once you eat it that food becomes a part of you).  You need to go where the good food hangs out.  Not the chip isle of the grocery store.  Shop the produce, deli, fresh meats, eggs, etc.  The middle aisles of the grocery store are generally full of the non-marriage material and cheat on you types of food.  They promise you happiness and health but once you marry them, they turn around and make your pants too tight and you depressed. 


Don’t trust the online dating...

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This Key Person Can Change Your Life

mindset Mar 09, 2019

I've been fortunate to have many mentors in my life. From my dad to my brother, my counselor to my pastor, I am blessed to have people that can speak into my life and tell me what I need to hear. Pictured is one of my professional mentors, Todd Durkin.

Years ago I used to avoid this type of relationship. I feared change and I didn't want to hear from anyone about how I could do things better. It's no wonder that I languished in a job I hated and tried to numb my feelings of anxiety and worry by any means necessary.

All it took was one person at the right time pushing me into a positive direction that got me to change my life for the better. 

I chose to jump in. I got to a point where I knew I had to go all in. The lifestyle I had was not taking me where I wanted to go. So I changed cities, moved in with my parents, and took a minimum wage job doing something that I loved. And then I spent time and money investing in myself to grow and change.

I now no longer make minimum wage...

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Nothing is better for you than sugar!

healthy lifestyle Mar 06, 2019

So sugar is the ultimate health food?  Ok, this is definitely a case where punctuation matters.  It actually should say… 

Nothing, is better for you than sugar!

Here’s a true story for you.  A sugar-boat shipwrecked in 1793.  5 sailors survived and so did some of the sugar that they were carrying.  They were marooned on an island.  On the bright side it only took 9 days for them to be found! 


Here’s the shocker!  They looked like they had been marooned for weeks if not a whole month.  Their bodies were wasted away and they were in real bad shape.  They had been eating the sugar they were transporting (and drinking a little rum too).  This event surprised Francois Magendie the French Physiologist.  He decided to run an experiment where he fed animals sugar and only sugar but plenty of calories to live.  They wasted away and died quite rapidly. 

This lead to the realization that it...

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Face the Brutal Facts

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2019

Sometimes I screw up. Here's what happened:

I recently received a message from a client whom a consider to be a dear friend. She has made incredible progress in our program. She ran into some unique and challenging injuries that we (and some expert physical therapists!) had to work through. In the midst of that she was prohibited from doing cardio exercises, as they may have aggravated her injury. 

I told her our workout schedule for the month so that she could come to the strength focused days and keep making baby steps forward in her progress. Then we made a last minute change to the workout schedule and I forgot to tell her about it. She showed up to a cardio day and was crushed. We had a brief conversation and she left, head hung low.

I felt awful.

I wanted to make that up to her, and I did. But those moments after she left the studio were some of the most important that she experienced that year. Here's the message she just sent me regarding that situation:

"What you don't...
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