Zucchini Pasta Pesto

recipes Aug 24, 2016

You MUST make this!   I seriously can not stop eating it!

When the whole spiralizer, zoodles thing became popular I did a serious eye roll.   I don't like extra steps at all.  But, I changed my tune!!  This stuff is AMAZING and not at all hard to make.

I personally like this spiralizer-
You can get less expensive versions but this had great reviews and I agree.

Zucchini Pasta Pesto:
serves 4
4 Large Zucchini
1/2 cup pesto (make your own favorite recipe or buy your own fresh version)
1 cup cherry tomatoes cut in half
Fresh Basil for garnish

Spiralize the zucchini.  Lightly salt zoodles in a colander and let sit for 20 minutes (or 4 hours if you forgot about them and left home to run 1 million errands).  Remove excess liquid and combine with tomatoes and pesto.  Mix up, top...

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Watermelon Mint Goat Cheese Salad

recipes Aug 10, 2016


This is a super quick, easy and refreshing salad perfect for summer.

I don’t know about you all, but picnics can be DANGEROUS grounds for consuming a few too many calories. I like to bring something safe as a dish to pass and this is a GREAT option. PLUS it only takes a few minutes to put together, who wants to spend time in the kitchen when it is gorgeous outside?!?!

This recipe serves 4 but you could easily double or triple it.

4 cups cubed watermelon
6 Fresh mint leaves chopped
1-2 Limes juiced depending on how “zingy” you like it 1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese

Place in a bowl, stir a few times and DING you have a super refreshing summer salad!

Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!

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My love handles began to grow..

transformation stories Aug 10, 2016

I grew up as a skinny kid and I didn’t pay much attention to what I was eating. I married in my twenties and was introduced to new foods by my new, extended family. As I started my career and had two children I began a period of inactivity and I always seemed too tired or just didn’t have enough time to work out. I tried to eat healthy sometimes, but not very often. I tried to work out but it usually only amounted to fifteen or twenty minutes here and there on the treadmill in the basement.  My love handles began to grow, as did my stomach.

Looking back at some of our old vacation pictures I didn’t like the way that I looked at all and I knew that I had to change my eating habits and get serious about my health. I gave healthy eating a half hearted effort  and I got back on the treadmill in the basement here and there. In my thirties I had a pattern of eating whatever I wanted and then looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw. Two or three times a...
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The Climb- Workout

exercise tips Jul 22, 2016


This is a great cardio work out that you can do by yourself, or with a friend or group!! You can be creative with the timing; here are a couple of examples:

  • Set a timer for an allotted amount of time (maybe 10-15 minutes) and see how many sets you can get through

  • Have a contest with someone else to see who can reach a set number first

  • See how quickly you can get through a specified number of sets.... Etc.

    There are 5 exercises that you will perform in each set.

    Set #1 - do 1 repetition of each of the 5 exercises. Set #2 - do 2 reps of each exercise
    Set #3 - do 3 reps of each exercise
    And so on.....

    The Exercises:

  • High Knees – think marching in place, but making sure your knee comes up about hip height, can be done fast or slow

  • Tantrum - lying face down, with arms straight out in front and legs straight behind, brace the abs, then alternate raising opposite arm and legs, so it looks like a small child having a tantrum on the floor and you...

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4 Ingredient Watermelon Salad

recipes Jul 22, 2016

This is a super quick, easy and refreshing salad perfect for summer.
I don’t know about you all, but picnics can be DANGEROUS grounds for consuming a few too many calories.  I like to bring something safe as a dish to pass and this is a GREAT option.  PLUS it only takes a few minutes to put together, who wants to spend time in the kitchen when it is gorgeous outside?!?!
This recipe serves 4 but you could easily double or triple it.
4 cups cubed watermelon
6 Fresh mint leaves chopped
1-2 Limes juiced depending on how “zingy” you like it
1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese
Place in a bowl, stir a few times and DING you have a super refreshing summer salad!
Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!!
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Ready, Set, Run!

Ready, Set, Run!!!

Many people looking to get in shape, and/or lose weight often decide they’ll start running. Here are some tips on how to get going and stay going without injuring yourself.

Start slow! Seriously, if you just start running out of the gate, you are putting yourself at a very high risk for shin splints, and/or other very painful injuries that will only set you back. It’s very easy for runners to jump in too fast and over-train.

Much like boot camp, or any other exercise regiment, it is important to ease your way into the habit. I recommend starting with walking and getting used to that for a week or two. If you’re getting a bit antsy, I would do an interval walk/run. Walk for 2-3 minutes, then maybe 30-60 seconds run/jog, then back to walking for a few minutes. Interval training is a fantastic way to build endurance without injuries. Eventually you can increase the run time, and decrease the walking.

Make sure to take the time to warm up and...

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I will start on Monday....

transformation stories Jul 07, 2016

Where did you come from?  - I have always struggled with my weight but was never able to stick with something long enough to be able to see any life changing results. When I first started at Tall Trainer I was eating horribly and not exercising at all. I have an office/desk job so it didn't help that I sit all day at work but then get home from work and eat dinner and then sit on the couch all evening. I had reached the highest weight I had ever been and felt like I was being pushed into a corner and didn't know where to go. I would always tell myself "starting on Monday, I will start a diet and start working out". It sounded like a good idea in my head but typically it never happened once Monday rolled around. If by chance, it did start, I would only last a short few days. Anytime that I would lose weight, I would quickly gain it all back plus some. I knew what I had to do in order to keep the weight off but I did not have the will power to do this.

What inspired you to...

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Green POWER bowl

recipes Jun 26, 2016

Recently Jeremy and I tried out CoreLife Eatery in Webster (which was phenomenal).  I ordered one of their power bowls and wanted to try to re-create it since I don't see myself driving to Webster everyday.  I think this is pretty close to it if I do say so:)

This is SO yummy and very filling.  A great lunch or dinner.   It may seem like "work" because it calls for making your own dressing.  I promise you I am a LAZY cook and it doesn't  ruffle my feathers :)   If something has many steps I AM OUT! 
This is also dairy and gluten free:)  You could make it vegan and omit the chicken.

The Dressing:
(4 servings)
1/2 cup cashews (I used unsalted)
Juice from 1 lime
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 clove garlic
2 handfuls of fresh cilantro (great time to start growing your own)
6-8 tablespoons of water (depending on how thick you like it)

Mix in a blender (the Vitamix whips this up so fast)-  This is a ticker dressing but coats the power bowl...
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Overnight Oats

recipes Jun 22, 2016

Overnight Oats

Grab some mason jars and get ready to prepare your

weeks’ worth of breakfast.

These are so easy and yummy! There are about a billion recipes for this but I will share my favorite and easiest combination. Feel free to be creative and change it up to your liking. I usually make 5 at once and they last in the fridge for a week (at least I haven’t gotten sick yet from the week old ones!)

I do an assembly line style and it goes super quick. Then you have a grab and go breakfast for the rest of the week.


  • 1⁄2 cup oats (I don’t use the quick oats but I am sure they would work)

  • 1⁄4 cup of PLAIN Greek yogurt (if vegan just increase the almond milk)

  • 2 Tbsp. (12 grams) of Peanut butter powder

  • 1⁄4 tsp. (2 grams) of unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1⁄2 small (50 grams) banana mashed

  • 1⁄2 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any milk will


  • 1 tsp. (5 grams) of honey or maple syrup

    Put it all in a mason jar...

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It's NOT about perfection BUT progress!

transformation stories Jun 09, 2016

Where did you come from, your starting fitness and nutrition level?
 I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I was a chubby kid in elementary school and because of that often didn’t participate in sports or exercise.  I lost a bunch of weight in middle school (unhealthy weight loss, the kind where my parents were worried because I wasn’t eating) and started having the confidence to try sports.  I played basketball, softball and soccer in high school and loved every minute of it.  I was a healthy weight and exercised almost every day but can’t say that I made good nutritional choices.  Then, off to college.  I came home a good 30 pounds heavier then I started in the fall of my first year.  I was eating too much, making bad food choices and not exercising at all.  Then, life happened.  I graduated, got married, got a full time job (sitting all day) had three kids and all the while I continued to pack...
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