I was very down on myself!

Before doing the Tall Trainer Boot Camp I was very over weight, living a sedentary life, eating all the wrong foods and very down on myself. I had no motivation to take care of myself and was already diagnosed as type II diabetic.
Then at my yearly doctors visit, I was told that my blood pressure was high and that my cholesterol was not good and that I needed to take meds for that in addition to my diabetes medication. That is when I realized I needed to make a change.
A friend suggested I try the Tall Trainer Boot Camp. I was very scared at first because I was heavy and had been so sedentary for so long in addition to having a bad hip issue but decided to give it a try. It was the best decision I have ever made!
The people at Tall Trainer are all so wonderful and they helped me modify different things during our workouts if my hip was acting up. Each time I came to class I realized how much these people cared about me and wanted me to succeed. I soon found myself getting stronger and actually looking forward to working out again!!
The results have been fantastic. I lost 28 pounds in three months, 5% body fat, 6 inches off my chest, 5 inches off my waist and hips and I am now off ALL my medications. But, the biggest change is how much better I am mentally.
I love my fellow boot campers and the Tall Trainer staff are the BEST!! I highly recommend it to anyone to give it a try. I guarantee you won't be disappointed!!
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