Some day is HERE

transformation stories May 20, 2018

I kept seeing ads for the tall trainer in the Penny saver and kept thinking boy could I use that, I hadn't really exercised in at least five years, I pretty much ate whatever I wanted with no real thought to how it was effecting my health or body, I was drinking at least one 20oz bottle of soda daily. I take medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol and lost my father to heart disease before his 50th birthday. I knew I needed to make some changes but never just got around to it.

I saw an ad for a couple of free classes at Tall Trainer and figured I would try it out. The first class was a kickboxing class, it was a blast, I didn't know what to expect but everyone was very welcoming and encouraging. So, I decided now was the time to give it a try. I am so very glad that I did!

I looked forward to the daily boot camps, it was always something different. Andrew always made it fun. Everyone in the class was so supportive that when I thought I couldn't possible push that sled...

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As my fitness level declined so did my self-confidence

transformation stories Apr 20, 2018

My current fitness journey began in January 2017. I was at my heaviest weight and the worst physical condition I had ever been in. My clothes weren’t fitting and I did not have the energy to do the things I wanted to do. Years prior to that I trained for and completed many 5 and 10 K events, a full marathon, and triathlons including a half iron man. I was in the best shape of my life and feeling great. Then as is the story for most of us life happens. We get busy with family, work, pressures and stresses of life and my personal health (nutrition and fitness) got put on the back burner. I started gaining weight. I would purchase and “hide” my extra weight with bigger baggier clothes and stand behind people in pictures or not have pictures of me taken at all. As my fitness level declined so did my self-confidence and enthusiasm to enjoy life the way I use to. As it became more difficult to find clothes to wear that I felt good in and as I became more and more aware...
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Food made everything good ...for a moment

transformation stories Mar 20, 2018

For as long as I can remember I have been overweight. For as long as I remember I have struggled to lose that weight. I dealt with many sad experiences as a child and into my adult years. My diet was a straight line for more serious issues. More than I already had. I started taking all kinds of prescriptions that usually cause obesity. I used to joke that those pills were my breakfast. Food comforted me. Food made everything good again. For a moment.  

I had tried EVERY diet you could think of. It was finally suggested (BY MY DR.) that I was a good candidate for gastric bypass. It was a decision I did not take lightly and pondered it for quite some time. Finally, for my son and the sake of my health I gave in. It was difficult and don’t think it was cheating at all. I desperately need help. I was headed for some serious, serious issues. I lost some weight from the surgery but then hit a brick wall. It wasn’t enough and started to have back problems. I had back...

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I noted how fit and Healthy my wonderful neighbor looked

transformation stories Feb 20, 2018

Over the years, I read stories in the Daily Messenger about Tall Trainer. A few years ago, I noted how fit and healthy my wonderful neighbor Dawn looked. She told me she was working out with the Tall Trainer and spoke about how they work around an individual’s physical limitations and that she enjoyed the system. Last fall, I saw my neighbor again and asked if she was still going to Tall Trainer. She resoundingly said yes and admitted what an addiction it had become.

I was interested in losing weight. I was looking for a program that would fit into my work schedule and might be inspiring enough to succeed with. I called Tall Trainer and heard some details around how the Boot Camp program combines fitness, nutrition and group personal training, a very well rounded approach, etc. My immediate interest was to lower the numbers on the bathroom scale, that other stuff was interesting fluff. I did have the faith this would be somehow different than the $10/month fitness club I...

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I started to realize my clothes were getting snug-er!

transformation stories Jan 18, 2018

Prior to last year, I worked in Buffalo for 8 years, staying there during the week.  I rented a room from a lady and although I had full access to the kitchen, cooking is not for me.  Tried to bring food for the week with me on Monday mornings and it was usually just skimpy salads, sandwiches, cheese & crackers and the like.  Easy to make/easy to eat but not too nutritious.  That was my "work life" and when I came home on the weekends I usually stayed home  because I was away from home all week.  My husband has been doing all the cooking for years now and I've been eating the delicious meals he makes... almost always going back for seconds!

I started working from home a year ago June and my office just happens to be right around the corner from the refrigerator.  By September of last year I started to realize my clothes were getting snug-er and I wasn't doing anything for exercise. I had been seeing the Tall Trainer ads in the Penny Saver for...

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Trainer Spotlight!

transformation stories Nov 21, 2017

Lynn's transformation:

For as long as I can remember I have had an issue with my weight. I started gaining at 12, was able to maintain that weight gain through my teen years, with only a few ups and downs on the scale.

Then came married life and children. As the years crept along so did my weight. I would try to lose on my own and I would do ok for a short time but then would give up and the weight would come back. When my children were young I was a stay at home mom. I loved that I was able to do so but of course that meant I had easy access to the kitchen. Making “treats” for the kids meant I had “treats” too. I always longed to be thinner. At that time in my life it wasn't about being healthy and fit, it was only about being thinner. Longing and wishing didn’t produce the results I wanted.

When I was in my early 40’s, I was at my heaviest. I remember a friend of mine had asked me if I would like to join a Bible study weight loss program. As she...
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I was stuck in a state of being OK..

transformation stories Oct 20, 2017

Yanira's Transformation:

Before I start telling my health journey, let me said Tall Trainer has been a blessing not only for me but also for my family. When I started boot camp I was in a place where I think a lot of moms out there can relate. I am a stay at home mom, who is all the time with my kids. I felt selfish doing anything for me, if I did not include them. I was overtired, unfocused, exhausted, I used to eat anything at any time; I did not feel enough for myself. I was in a state of being ok, that was enough for me. I used to think that I did not have time to do anything for me. My responsibility as a mom was my excuse to think that I did not have time to exercise or time to take care of myself.

 One day something shifted in me. The possibility of being better, the possibility of a change. It was not about me anymore, it was about being a better mom, engage in my kid’s games, play with them, and enjoy them, being not a good but a great role...
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I needed to make a serious change!

transformation stories Sep 20, 2017

Jenny's Transformation:

When I joined Tall Trainer in October of 2015, I was in serious need of making a change in my nutrition and fitness levels.  I had lost weight before but was pretty close to my highest weight ever.

My motivation came from inside.  I realized that I needed to make a change or run the risk of health problems.  I was also feeling limited in what I could do and just not feeling good about myself.

My 1st few months were amazing!  I lost weight and felt successful.  After just 2 months, I was down 25lbs., 2.4% body fat, 7” on my waist and 5” on my hips!  Andrew’s positive encouragement made me feel that I could do this and it was worth it! 

I have learned so much from all the trainers and our daily mini lessons.  Their positive approach toward life and physical fitness has changed my attitude on living a healthy lifestyle.

After 18months I am down 64 lbs., 13” at my waist and more than 10%...
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My body issued a cry for help!

transformation stories Aug 22, 2017

My journey with Tall Trainer started with my body issuing a cry for help.  I had gone to Urgent Care for an ear infection and they told me my blood pressure was extremely high.  I knew what a normal blood pressure was, but hadn’t really considered what was high.  When the nurse at Urgent Care told me I needed to set up an appointment with my primary care physician as soon as possible, I looked up blood pressure ranges to see how bad I was.  If I was one number higher, I should have been headed to the ER.  I made an appointment the next day and started addressing my issues.  The doctor put me on blood pressure medicine immediately and told me I should start losing some weight to help with this.

I had previously trained and received my black belt in martial arts.  Throughout this training, I was able to lose all the pregnancy weight I had gained and never lost (even though my baby was then 8 years old!).  The training was great, but I...
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I LEARNED to LOVE myself!

transformation stories Jul 20, 2017

Shauna's Transformation:

My journey to health and fitness started in February 2016 after reaching out to inquire about what Tall Trainer was all about.  I had really given up on myself after being laid off from a job had I had for over 10 years, I convinced myself it was my fault and I was in a downward spiral of over eating and beating up myself.  I was sick and tired of not having a passion anymore and something need to change in my life and I was determined to take the bull by the horn and dive in to work on myself.  I had dubbed 2016 as the year of “Shauna”, no more fixing others, it was time for Shauna to focus on Shauna.  I had found Tall Trainer the year prior but wasn’t ready for something as scary as “boot camp”.  I tried some things in 2015 but with no real results or passion of what I was doing, hence zero results.  After speaking to Lori and how excited she was/is about boot camp, I decided to give it a...
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