It was nothing like I thought it would be

transformation stories Jun 21, 2017

Lynda's Transformation:

A friend, Fran, had asked me if I wanted to come to Tall Trainer’s “bring a friend day” but I figured I was too busy. It wasn’t that I was too busy really. It was that I was embarrassed that I had let myself get so heavy and I didn’t think I could do what they would ask of me.  Then I saw Fran again and she said there was going to be another “bring a friend day” if I’d like to join her, but if I didn’t that was ok. I thought about it and decided to try it.

So, I attended my first day. It was nothing like I thought it would be! Everyone there was welcoming. After that day, I decided to join!  It was difficult, I’ll admit. I hadn’t exercised in years because I hated it and I hated sweating! But I decided I needed to challenge myself to continue and to eat much healthier than I was. I kept plugging along and entered what I ate into Vitabot (an excellent tracker)....
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I have truly changed my life, both mentally and physically

transformation stories May 10, 2017

Alana's Story~

Before starting at Tall Trainer, I was broken. I struggled to walk my students to different classes; I would profusely sweat daily; I hated how I looked in pictures. I had no idea what REAL nutrition was.  Ya know how they say people gain the freshman 15?  I gained the freshman 50, then the sophomore 60, etc.  College was bad for me for many reasons.  Dining hall food; lots of adult beverages; late nights.  I started playing women's professional football in college, and was actually told I was the smallest lineman and should put on weight.  And for the 10 years I played, although I was active, I wasn't in shape, fit, or following proper nutrition.  I first started to really try to lose weight in 2013, when I joined Weight Watchers and lost about 50 lbs. But I didn't really know nutrition. I knew how to cheat their system and still lose weight.  I didn't know how to nourish my body correctly.  It stopped working for me,...
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I was at my heaviest EVER!

transformation stories Mar 22, 2017

I have been overweight just about my whole life. I have tried what seems to be every diet with the hopes of quick weight loss; we all know that doesn’t happen.  I lost weight, gained more back, lost again to only gain even more back.  I lost 30 lbs after my first son was born by following weight watchers. It didn’t take long and I started to gain some of the weight back. After I had my second son, I never lost all of the baby weight and just gained more.  15 years later and I was at my heaviest ever.

7 months ago I finally got to a point where I knew I needed to make a change. Both of my parents passed away at young ages and I knew if I didn’t get my weight in check I could be facing serious health issues.  I have never been one to do much exercise so starting an exercise program was scary. I didn’t know much about Tall Trainer other than some friends “Liking” the face book page. I did read the testimonials on line and thought...
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I kept telling myself over and over

transformation stories Feb 21, 2017

Meet Naomi!

Why did you start?
My clothes were getting tighter---still eating though.  Feelings of frustration – telling myself over and over – “You need to do something different – eat less – exercise – something!”  But I was still eating and clothes getting tighter.

I had an invitation to “Bring a Friend Day” at Talltrainer from my daughter-in-law.  After many “hems and haws” away I went.  August 2015 was a starting point and now a over a year has passed.
What have some of your results been?
Eating habits have changed because, first Andrew and then Jeremy shared the what’s, how’s and whys of eating – “Eating 101”.  Vegetables, fruits, proteins and water, water, and more water, became my focus.  Breads, sweets and processed foods have become foods not eaten frequently anymore.  Smaller portions and again more water have helped.  Eating fewer...
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Nothing seemed to work...

transformation stories Jan 12, 2017

I have always considered myself an athletic, active person.  I played 3 sports all through high school, and was a 4-year basketball player in college.  I coach basketball, play with my kids, and enjoy the outdoors.  However, during every pregnancy (and there were 5), I gained a lot of weight, and held on to about 10 pounds each time.  I had success with many different diets.  I lost 35 pounds once, and kept it off for a few years, only to gain it back, and then some, when I got pregnant with my last child.  After he was born, I was at the heaviest I had ever been.  I was also older, and once I hit 40, nothing seemed to work as far as losing the weight was concerned.  I started eating clean and added walking to my daily routine, but saw no results.  I participated in last years Thinner to Winner contest and saw the weight start to drop.  I lost 13 pounds in those 6 weeks, and felt pretty good.  However, after the contest ended,...
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You name it, I've tried it!

transformation stories Dec 21, 2016

I’ve struggled with weight since my late 30’s.  Weight Watchers, step aerobics, Curves, Atkins.  You name it, I tried it.  My weight has gone up and down a hundred times. 

The last years of my working career were hectic.  I traveled for 18 months where lunch was provided and dinner every night was in a restaurant.  When the traveling stopped, I worked on stress filled projects more hours a week than anyone should work.  My last 2 years were filled with 80+ hour weeks, working lunches with food brought in, “I deserve chocolate” afternoon treats, late nights snacking at my desk. 

When I retired two years ago, I “vowed” to lose the weight that had packed on.  I joined a gym and went every day.  For a few months.  I lost 6 pounds.  Then a relative was given a life threatening diagnosis.  I spent the next year helping her.  No more time for exercise and a lot of sitting...

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I have learned strategies that will last a lifetime!

transformation stories Nov 17, 2016

I have been on this weight loss/gain/maintenance train since I was 15. My mother used to drive me to my Weight Watchers meetings until I got my driver’s license. Throughout the years I have literally gained and lost at least a ton of weight.   I actually kept the weight off for a few years at a time, then gained, then lost... etc. I have probably been on every “diet” throughout the years.  Fast forward to last fall.  My weight was the highest, even pregnancy weight high. I knew I needed to find an exercise program I enjoyed and find a way not to eat everything that was offered to me.

Tina (from the 6:20) class told me about her success and she also said she thought she was eating healthy before starting in Boot Camp.  I watched a few of the videos online and was impressed by a woman about my age who said the TTS (Tall Trainer System) incorporated 3 major components of weight loss success.  A fun and safe exercise program,  an...
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I no longer recognized myself!

transformation stories Oct 09, 2016

I just want say Thank you to you and all the staff at Tall Trainer for
all the support and encouragement. You are all so amazing.
Before starting Tall Trainer, I was very depressed and unhappy with myself.
I was the heaviest weight of my life and very out of shape. I no longer even recognized myself in the mirror.
As a nurse working nights my sleeping and eating habits were terrible. I was always tired and had no energy. I skipped meals and lacked proper nutrition. 
I finally had enough of feeling so terrible and was ready to make some changes in my life. I saw the Tall Trainer sign on day while driving down Route 332 and I researched their website. I saw all the great results and knew it was worth giving a try.
I needed to find a program that was motivating and would keep me interested. I definitely found all that at Tall Trainer. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. My experience at Tall Trainer has been life changing. I never thought I...
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I could hardly walk up a flight of stairs..

transformation stories Sep 22, 2016

Meet the amazing Cindy!!!

Last October I could hardly walk up a flight of stairs without becoming short of breath.  I was tired and felt I was losing my edge at work.  I tend to eat in response to stress.  After back surgery, working full time while  getting my masters in nursing, and being the primary caretaker for my mother with Alzheimer’s I had gained a lot of weight –like 80 pounds!  As a Nurse practitioner I know too well the pain and suffering caused by inactivity and obesity. I see it every day.  I knew how important exercise and weight loss were for my health, but despite my best efforts I was not very successful at losing weight or exercising.   Although it was hard for me to admit, I needed help.  

In the past (many years ago) I was pretty good at showing up for exercise classes.   I was trying to find an exercise class that would fit into my schedule when a newsletter from the Tall Trainer arrived...
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My love handles began to grow..

transformation stories Aug 10, 2016

I grew up as a skinny kid and I didn’t pay much attention to what I was eating. I married in my twenties and was introduced to new foods by my new, extended family. As I started my career and had two children I began a period of inactivity and I always seemed too tired or just didn’t have enough time to work out. I tried to eat healthy sometimes, but not very often. I tried to work out but it usually only amounted to fifteen or twenty minutes here and there on the treadmill in the basement.  My love handles began to grow, as did my stomach.

Looking back at some of our old vacation pictures I didn’t like the way that I looked at all and I knew that I had to change my eating habits and get serious about my health. I gave healthy eating a half hearted effort  and I got back on the treadmill in the basement here and there. In my thirties I had a pattern of eating whatever I wanted and then looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw. Two or three times a...
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