Where did you come from? - I have always struggled with my weight but was never able to stick with something long enough to be able to see any life changing results. When I first started at Tall Trainer I was eating horribly and not exercising at all. I have an office/desk job so it didn't help that I sit all day at work but then get home from work and eat dinner and then sit on the couch all evening. I had reached the highest weight I had ever been and felt like I was being pushed into a corner and didn't know where to go. I would always tell myself "starting on Monday, I will start a diet and start working out". It sounded like a good idea in my head but typically it never happened once Monday rolled around. If by chance, it did start, I would only last a short few days. Anytime that I would lose weight, I would quickly gain it all back plus some. I knew what I had to do in order to keep the weight off but I did not have the will power to do this.
What inspired you to...
I have always been a target for the at home programs, they lure me in, I purchase one and 2 weeks later it's collecting dust. My lack of self- confidence never made me a fan of group exercise. So my comfort level was at home. But I mustered up the courage to try my first 'Boot Camp', and the experience has been life changing! ...
As I am right on the heels of turning 60 and everyone saying it's impossible to lose weight when you get older.I knew this was made available to me and all I had to do was show up. I can't put into words the experience I have had, with the program, the people I have met, just the sincere...
Meet Deb and read her story!
The journey that led me to Tall Trainer began 3 years ago. I had gone through some serious medical issues; we sold our house, moved to the Finger Lakes and built our retirement home all in the span of 1 1/2 years. However, by this time I was exhausted physically and mentally, and knew I needed to make another change in my life....this time, one that would put me in a position where I could enjoy what opportunities life now held for me. In the fall of 2013, I saw a cover ad on the local Penny Saver telling about a fitness program called “Tall Trainer”.....it sounded interesting, but at the time I wasn't quite ready to make a commitment to add another element to my life that would require more time and effort. So the cover page sat on my tabletop for a few more months as the pounds accumulated and the energy level sank...
In January of 2014 I was ready to take control of my life once again. After all, I thought, this is the only...
Meet Chrissy!
Meet Christen:
Meet Chuck!!
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You will be taken directly to the Shocking Video Lesson about "Why it's so hard to lose weight". (trust me it's worth a minute of your time)