I will start on Monday....

transformation stories Jul 07, 2016

Where did you come from?  - I have always struggled with my weight but was never able to stick with something long enough to be able to see any life changing results. When I first started at Tall Trainer I was eating horribly and not exercising at all. I have an office/desk job so it didn't help that I sit all day at work but then get home from work and eat dinner and then sit on the couch all evening. I had reached the highest weight I had ever been and felt like I was being pushed into a corner and didn't know where to go. I would always tell myself "starting on Monday, I will start a diet and start working out". It sounded like a good idea in my head but typically it never happened once Monday rolled around. If by chance, it did start, I would only last a short few days. Anytime that I would lose weight, I would quickly gain it all back plus some. I knew what I had to do in order to keep the weight off but I did not have the will power to do this.

What inspired you to...

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It's NOT about perfection BUT progress!

transformation stories Jun 09, 2016

Where did you come from, your starting fitness and nutrition level?
 I have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I was a chubby kid in elementary school and because of that often didn’t participate in sports or exercise.  I lost a bunch of weight in middle school (unhealthy weight loss, the kind where my parents were worried because I wasn’t eating) and started having the confidence to try sports.  I played basketball, softball and soccer in high school and loved every minute of it.  I was a healthy weight and exercised almost every day but can’t say that I made good nutritional choices.  Then, off to college.  I came home a good 30 pounds heavier then I started in the fall of my first year.  I was eating too much, making bad food choices and not exercising at all.  Then, life happened.  I graduated, got married, got a full time job (sitting all day) had three kids and all the while I continued to pack...
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I finally feel I needed to do this for ME!

transformation stories May 10, 2016

Tall Trainer:  Where did you come from?
Nancy:  I feel I didn't have a weight problem till I became a mom and through the years my weight has gone up and down.  I was successful at losing weight often even doing well with Weight Watchers twice.  I also have walked many days with friends and my husband.  However, after joining Boot Camp, I realized that I WAS NOT in proper physical condition for my age.  Boot camp and all of its components has helped me lose 40 pounds to date (still shooting for that last 10) but the most surprising aspect of this whole process has been how strong I feel.  It is just awesome!  I can do things now that had started to become difficult for me.
Nutritionally, I have always eaten well (my vegetables and such), but have learned that I probably took in too many calories per day.  By really focusing on Vitabot (food logging program), it helps me to not have crazy cravings!
Tall Trainer: What...
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All because I got a postcard in the mail!

transformation stories Apr 12, 2016
I recently retired from the hospital this past winter. At this new journey I found the opportunity to take time for myself. In the past always working an early start didn’t leave me the opportunity to workout before work and often times running to cover for my grandchildren, I didn't take the needed time for myself, what little was left in the day.

I have always been a target for the at home programs, they lure me in, I purchase one and 2 weeks later it's collecting dust. My lack of self- confidence never made me a fan of group exercise. So my comfort level was at home. But I mustered up the courage to try my first 'Boot Camp', and the experience has been life changing! ...

As I am right on the heels of turning 60 and everyone saying it's impossible to lose weight when you get older.I knew this was made available to me and all I had to do was show up. I can't put into words the experience I have had, with the program, the people I have met, just the sincere...

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Heck..I'll try it for a month!

transformation stories Apr 06, 2016

BEFORE Tall Trainer:
I thought my fitness level was really good.   Before Tall Trainer, I would work out at least 3-4 days a week.  Mainly cardio workouts with some ab tapes and Pilate tape workouts.  I had also started doing some yoga at a local studio.  My cardio was mainly running on my treadmill and walking during my daughter’s soccer practices and games.  I thought I was pretty fit but now I know that I really wasn’t.  My other false sense was the amount of calories I thought I was burning versus what I was really burning.  My treadmill told me 500 calories, yes but that was for an average person that is programmed into the treadmill…I am not an average person and burn much less due to my size.  I was amazed to find all of this out.

I also thought my nutrition level was really good but Tall Trainer has educated me that what I thought was good was really hurting my workouts due to all of the sugar, carbs, red meat,...
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I was ready to take control of my life!

transformation stories Mar 17, 2016

Meet Deb and read her story!


The journey that led me to Tall Trainer began 3 years ago. I had gone through some serious medical issues; we sold our house, moved to the Finger Lakes and built our retirement home all in the span of 1 1/2 years. However, by this time I was exhausted physically and mentally, and knew I needed to make another change in my life....this time, one that would put me in a position where I could enjoy what opportunities life now held for me. In the fall of 2013, I saw a cover ad on the local Penny Saver telling about a fitness program called “Tall Trainer”.....it sounded interesting, but at the time I wasn't quite ready to make a commitment to add another element to my life that would require more time and effort. So the cover page sat on my tabletop for a few more months as the pounds accumulated and the energy level sank...

In January of 2014 I was ready to take control of my life once again. After all, I thought, this is the only...

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My Body is now as strong as my Mind!

transformation stories Mar 09, 2016

Meet Chrissy!

I have done many diets through the years and I always put the weight back on...I come from a family of great cooks so good food has always been around which did not help and then having kids made me cook and bake more things at home...so when I first came to Tall Trainer I was at my lowest (highest weight) I have ever been at.  I was eating badly all the time and not caring and not doing a single stitch of exercise and felt horrible about myself.
The inspiration for me was Christine, she had tried to get me for the longest time to just try a class and always said you can do it but I just did not believe in myself enough to believe I could.  So when I got to the heaviest I had gotten I said that is enough and finally had the courage to take Christine advice and just try it.   I saw how it changed her life and I wanted that change.  I wanted to be able to physical activities with my kids and not feel like throwing up.  I wanted to...
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It gave me what I had been missing..CONSISTENCY!

transformation stories Feb 11, 2016

Meet Christen:

As a teenager I never flipped through fashion magazines, wishing I was model-thin. Instead I admired girls who were runners and athletes. I was more impressed with a person who had muscle and tone instead of someone who was just thin. I wanted to be just like the athletes – someone who was strong and capable, not just skinny. But I never knew how.
Diagnosed with asthma at the age of 12, I shied away from exercise as a kid and used my beleaguered breathing as an excuse. I played tennis in high school because it was a sport I could do that involved the least amount of movement. Needless to say, I wasn’t so good at it, often relegated to the third string of doubles players, if I played at all. I remember dreading the Presidential Fitness Test in school because I was terrified of the timed, one-mile run. I often asked my mom to write me a note to get out of it, blaming it on my asthma.

I struggled with my weight throughout college and into adulthood. I felt...
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I no longer hide behind my clothes

transformation stories Jan 01, 2016

My name is Stacie Rogers and I started Tall Trainer in January 2015.
Before that I felt like I was a hamster spinning around in an exercise wheel but not going anywhere or seeing any progress. I exercised at home sporadically to punish myself for what I had eaten or exercise so I could eat whatever I wanted. That led to me being overweight, frustrated and having low self-esteem that directly affected my role as a mom and wife.

What inspired me to change was realizing if I took an amazing opportunity at Tall Trainer and worked on me, it would transform my life and make me a better wife, mother and friend!
The compassion the trainers had and non-judgmental way they equipped me with my exercise and nutrition totally changed me from the inside out! I no longer hide behind my clothes or sit on the sidelines watching my kids play. I live in the present and am not hiding in the shadows of life!
As of this morning I've lost 23 lbs., 6+ inches from my waste and have...
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I am finally getting the results I wanted

transformation stories Dec 10, 2015

Meet Chuck!!

Where did you come from? Your starting fitness and nutrition level?
Before Tall Trainer I thought I was in really good shape. I work from home so during my lunch break I would run 3+ miles or exercise on my Bowflex machine. I thought I was working hard but never saw the changes I expected from my workouts.  My wife is a member at TT so she used Vitabot and kept a lot of healthy food in the house but somehow I most often chose chips instead of the fruit or vegetables. I assumed my workouts would make up for ANYTHING I ate and again, wondered why I didn’t lose weight and didn’t see any results.
What inspired you to start?
My start at Tall Trainer was based totally on being frugal! There was a contest a few months ago where current members would win free months of workouts if they brought in the most new members. I was hoping if I enrolled for one month my wife would win 3-months free. She did win 1-month, but I was the big winner! After surviving my...
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