Nothing seemed to work...

I have always considered myself an athletic, active person. I played 3 sports all through high school, and was a 4-year basketball player in college. I coach basketball, play with my kids, and enjoy the outdoors. However, during every pregnancy (and there were 5), I gained a lot of weight, and held on to about 10 pounds each time. I had success with many different diets. I lost 35 pounds once, and kept it off for a few years, only to gain it back, and then some, when I got pregnant with my last child. After he was born, I was at the heaviest I had ever been. I was also older, and once I hit 40, nothing seemed to work as far as losing the weight was concerned. I started eating clean and added walking to my daily routine, but saw no results. I participated in last years Thinner to Winner contest and saw the weight start to drop. I lost 13 pounds in those 6 weeks, and felt pretty good. However, after the contest ended, I gained some weight back, and could feel myself falling into another downward cycle. I knew I needed more, but I wasn’t ready, or willing to put myself out there.
A good friend joined Tall Trainer in January, and was finding great success. She asked if I wanted to join her, but I always had an excuse. In March, I finally decided I had to do something. A friend of mine was getting married at the end of July, and I was to be in the wedding. I NEEDED to lose weight before then. So I signed up for boot camp and began in April. At first, my goal was just to lose weight. However, after my 1st month, I didn’t lose as much as I had hoped and I was a bit frustrated. But the support and encouragement at Tall Trainer, from Lynn, Sarah and Jeremy, to all my boot-camp buddies at 5:20am, kept me going. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for them. They motivate, encourage, support and inspire me every single day.
My strength has increased tremendously, and I feel so much better about myself. I am doing things with weights that I never dreamed possible, and I can now hold a plank without wanting to cry! This summer, I even put on a bathing suit and went swimming with my kids. They couldn’t believe I could still do a back dive. I have learned what to eat and when, and how to fuel my body. Weighing my food and putting it into Vitabot started me on the path to good, healthy eating.
Tall Trainer has given me the tools I need to continue on this journey of good health, and live a long, active life.
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