I had a case of "I can't"

mindset Apr 06, 2019

THERE IS NO I CAN’T” is in huge vinyl letters on our studio wall. This is one of the first things Jeremy challenged me on when we met. I have taken that statement to heart. Realizing HOW powerful belief in yourself is. To NOT put limits on possibilities. To go for the hard instead of hiding behind “I can’t”. 

Over the 10 years we have been together I have rid a lot of the “I can’t” in my life. But recently, with this new baby on the way (any day now) I’m sad to say the “I can’t” has slipped back in :( I didn’t even realize it, and it has stolen some of my joy during this pregnancy. When I saw it on the wall at the studio the other day I truly looked at it and was convicted of how many “I cant's” I have put on myself with this baby’s arrival. 
FIRST,  Please know how extremely blessed I know I am to be able...
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What am I capable of?

mindset Mar 14, 2019
What am I capable of????

I was recently listening to a book and it asked the question, “What am I capable of?” That really struck a chord with me. When was the last time I asked that and really reflected on it? More so, Do I ask in a positive way? My first instinct was to spin it on the negative. Thinking of all the things I dream of doing but am not. All the things I do that I wish I did not. I am capable of being a whiny baby, snapping at my husband, polishing off a WHOLE bag of Dorito’s in one afternoon, or not getting my checklist done for that day...well that’s not encouraging or inspiring!

BUT what if I asked that question in a positive way. What am I really capable of? The truth is we are ALL capable of being a better version of our self. Of pushing a little harder in a workout. Of eating a little healthier, or saying NO to some things so we can say YES to the things that will really move us forward to a better...

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This Key Person Can Change Your Life

mindset Mar 09, 2019

I've been fortunate to have many mentors in my life. From my dad to my brother, my counselor to my pastor, I am blessed to have people that can speak into my life and tell me what I need to hear. Pictured is one of my professional mentors, Todd Durkin.

Years ago I used to avoid this type of relationship. I feared change and I didn't want to hear from anyone about how I could do things better. It's no wonder that I languished in a job I hated and tried to numb my feelings of anxiety and worry by any means necessary.

All it took was one person at the right time pushing me into a positive direction that got me to change my life for the better. 

I chose to jump in. I got to a point where I knew I had to go all in. The lifestyle I had was not taking me where I wanted to go. So I changed cities, moved in with my parents, and took a minimum wage job doing something that I loved. And then I spent time and money investing in myself to grow and change.

I now no longer make minimum wage...

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I dropped the F bomb in front of my Kid😳

mindset Jan 10, 2019
I said the “F” word in front of my kid!!!!
Do you ever have one of those seasons of life where you feel like you are walking around as the worlds punching bag.  I have had a few of those!

Most recent was our season of “flooding”
It all started the day after thanksgiving.  I went to our garage refrigerator to get something out of the freezer.  When I opened the door raw “chicken juice” seeped out and went all over the floor.  The refrigerator had died.  I was exhausted from the holiday but had to deal with that situation right then.  I was able to save some food and was a meal prepping fool trying to not lose hundreds of dollars in meat.  (I buy in bulk because I HATE to shop).  Ugh, this annoyed me.
The next weekend I woke up at 3am on a Sunday and decided I would go organize the Christmas presents in the basement.  As I walked down...
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We are having a ....

mindset Dec 04, 2018

Jeremy and I are so excited to announce we are having a GIRL!!
Becoming a parent is such a wonderful, magical blessing.  Anna was our little miracle baby.  I wasn’t sure if I could conceive.  My love and connection to her was INSTANT and unlike ANYTHING I have ever experienced. Nothing I doubted or questioned.  I think all parents can relate.
Here is where I will get honest.  Having a second child is a little mind boggling to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I am super excited and I know this will be amazing BUT right now we have a pretty awesome family unit.  We flow well.  My love for Jeremy and Anna is something I have not experienced before.  We are NOT perfect and life is NOT easy, but it is a beautiful mess that is OUR beautiful mess and I LOVE IT.   How can I possibly love another child without messing up this established family...
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The Secret to Growing Your Mind

mindset Dec 01, 2018

My book, Grow Your Mind, Shrink Your Waist is designed to open up the floodgates of your mind. Your success in weight loss and fitness absolutely depends on the way you see things. Where some people see problems, you need to be able to see the opportunity.

If you have the mind of an overweight person, you'll need to adjust that and grow into the mind of a thinner person. If you maintain your overweight mind, even if you achieve some level of success in your fitness, you'll find yourself backsliding to what your mind knows: how to be out of shape. You'll need to upskill your brain and thought processes in order to see long term success. 

How can you change the way you see things?

By following three key steps in the growth loop: LEARN, TAKE ACTION, and KNOW WHY.


Learning is essential to getting you to a new place. In the United States, higher education has never been more widespread. The concept of equipping yourself with more knowledge as a way to perform better at work is...

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I don't like this...

healthy lifestyle mindset Aug 14, 2018

 It has taken me almost 2 decades to find some of those God given cues with food that I know I was born with and were lost by disordered eating.   My dysfunction with food started back when I was 6 or 7 years old so I have NO memory of what it was like to just eat.  But, I can honestly say NOW most days I do sense those cues of when to stop eating by re-training how I eat and the mindset behind it.
Having Anna has been such a blessing and gift in SO many ways.  Watching her “just eat” has been restorative to me.  I want to share an experience through a 4-year-old that may help you too!
We were grocery shopping and her little eyes spotted some chocolate ice cream.  She had never had chocolate ice cream before and she really wanted to try it.  I mean like REALLY wanted to try it!  She had had other flavors before but not chocolate and this day it was a MUST.   I...
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Without a Purpose You are Doomed....

healthy lifestyle mindset May 10, 2018

Seriously...People with a purpose to get out of bed live about 7 years longer than those who don't!  If you've lost your purpose get a new one.  Get fired up with this short motivational video.  


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Will You Breakdown OR Breakthrough?

mindset May 06, 2018

As I write this our website is in total shambles. We’ve been working at creating a new and updated website, while still maintaining the quality of content our clients know and love. All of that previously created content is gone.


Tall Trainer has been in business for over ten years. The amount of content that was hosted on our old site was quite impressive. And now it’s gone. Where do we start? Can we get it back? What do we do?

This feeling of panic is embedded in the human experience. The sense of panic and overwhelm in the face of a crisis or disaster can be paralyzing.

And that is EXACTLY how some of our clients feel when they finish a month of bootcamp. Most people get great results, don’t infer too much here. But if you do anything long enough, Uncle Murphy is bound to show up. Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. That applies DOUBLE if you’re doing something new or difficult.

For our clients that means...

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Then DON'T restrict your calories..

Do you feel ALL over the place with your eating?

Perfect meal to HECK with it!

Monday–Friday afternoon =Gold star BUT let’s NOT even talk about the weekend.

I used to ride on this roller coaster SEVERAL times a week. I had very BLACK and WHITE thinking. Perfect or total crap. Tons of veggies and lean protein to diving into as many refined carbs as I could get my paws on.

With my eating disorder history, any thought of “restricting” calories sends me into a TOTAL tail spin. I don’t think you have to have had an eating disorder to have a similar cycle. Years of yo-yo dieting can have the similar effects.

I HAD to change my mindset about how I was eating and tracking my food if I stood a chance at getting control over this ugly pattern that TOTALLY drained me and left me feeling hopeless, weak and defeated.

If restricting your calories causes more binges…THEN DON’T RESTRICT YOUR CALORIES and focus on cutting down on the binges.

What is a...

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