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The Secret to Growing Your Mind

mindset Dec 01, 2018

My book, Grow Your Mind, Shrink Your Waist is designed to open up the floodgates of your mind. Your success in weight loss and fitness absolutely depends on the way you see things. Where some people see problems, you need to be able to see the opportunity.

If you have the mind of an overweight person, you'll need to adjust that and grow into the mind of a thinner person. If you maintain your overweight mind, even if you achieve some level of success in your fitness, you'll find yourself backsliding to what your mind knows: how to be out of shape. You'll need to upskill your brain and thought processes in order to see long term success. 

How can you change the way you see things?

By following three key steps in the growth loop: LEARN, TAKE ACTION, and KNOW WHY.


Learning is essential to getting you to a new place. In the United States, higher education has never been more widespread. The concept of equipping yourself with more knowledge as a way to perform better at work is commonplace. To succeed in fitness you'll need to acquire more knowledge as well. 

It used to be that you needed to adapt your learning style to whatever was taught in the classroom. In this digital age, the classroom has adapted to you. There are ways that you can bring in high quality information in all sorts of ways. Blogs, articles, and books are still the go to for those willing to read. For those that do better with visuals, live workshops, online master classes, and Youtube videos may be the best bet. For more kinesthetic learners there are workshops, trainings, and opportunities to work with qualified professionals one-on-one or in small groups. 

Learning is one step in a continuous cycle of growth. There will be times where you need to learn more in order to get to the next level of growth. Learning isn't everything, you'll need to know how to apply that as well.


Learning without action is like sharpening an ax and then letting sit and rust. You need to DO something with that knowledge in order to grow and change. Taking action can be as simple as picking up the phone and calling an expert. It may involve signing up for an exercise class. It may mean you cook the delicious recipe that you cut out of yet another magazine. 

Taking action means you are a doer. You go out and you get it done. Being a doer means that you are willing to risk failure. Failure can be scary. It means that something didn't work out. You may bring other baggage with you when failure occurs. You may start telling yourself silly things.

Things like:

"I'll never get there."

"I should have known better."

"I'm a terrible cook."

"I just can't do this."

"It's genetic." 

The list may go on and on for you. All of those statements are lies. LIES. Until you believe them. And then they come true. Like a curse or a bad dream these words, if you listen to them and believe them, will become your reality. 

In order to take action you'll need to overcome your mental hangups and risk failure. If you're willing to do that you'll see loads of success. Until you hit a major obstacle and it all comes crashing down. That's where a strong sense of PURPOSE comes in.


Purpose is the hardest idea to pin down. If you can do the work to dig deep enough to know why you're doing something, you'll be able to move mountains. A person that is not connected to their purpose can do some good things. But they consistently fall short  of great things. 

Fad diets are a great example of a lack of purpose. To pursue a fad diet often means taking some extreme measures to get to a specific goal. Often times a magical weight number that will change everything. Many of the most determined people actually reach that number. And then they still feel just as empty and unhappy as they were forty pounds earlier.

It wasn't the number that they were looking for. It was something deeper. Something that takes time to cultivate and discover. Without that purpose we become like leaves in the wind, scattered when a strong gust arrives. We need to be the tree, bending but not breaking, as the winds of life bear down.

Ready For More?

If this struck a cord with you I'd encourage you to get my book on Amazon.

Learning, Taking Action, and Knowing Why will continually feed into each other as you continue on your journey. If you've hit the sweet spot on those, you're ready and excited to do something. For those that like to get started right away, check out my 10 Day Jumpstart, designed to get you growing into the best version of yourself. 


Keep growing and God bless,

Andrew Biernat
[email protected]
Author, Speaker, Coach


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