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I don't like this...

healthy lifestyle mindset Aug 14, 2018

 It has taken me almost 2 decades to find some of those God given cues with food that I know I was born with and were lost by disordered eating.   My dysfunction with food started back when I was 6 or 7 years old so I have NO memory of what it was like to just eat.  But, I can honestly say NOW most days I do sense those cues of when to stop eating by re-training how I eat and the mindset behind it.
Having Anna has been such a blessing and gift in SO many ways.  Watching her “just eat” has been restorative to me.  I want to share an experience through a 4-year-old that may help you too!
We were grocery shopping and her little eyes spotted some chocolate ice cream.  She had never had chocolate ice cream before and she really wanted to try it.  I mean like REALLY wanted to try it!  She had had other flavors before but not chocolate and this day it was a MUST.   I decided to buy it and told her after dinner we can all have some.  She anticipated this moment all day!  “Is it time for dinner?” must have been asked 47 million times. 
Finally, dinner had come and she was SO EXCITED for this chocolate ice cream.  After dinner, I served her up a scoop in a pretty little dish.  She dived her spoon in and in an instant her happy little hum started.  When she is eating something she loves she hums, does a little happy dance in her seat, and closes her eyes.    After about 5 bites the humming stopped.  At around 6-7 bites she said “Mom, I don’t like this”and shoved the dish away.   I looked at her baffled?!?!  She had done the hum and happy dance??  Of course she liked it!!  But then it dawned on me.  Her taste for it had changed at that point and it wasn’t hitting that same “HUM” spot anymore. She was correlating this with NOT liking it.  I didn’t correct her and let it be.  After this, anytime we ate something “rich” she would fully enjoy 5-10 bites and then hand it to me saying “I don’t like this”.  I LOVED watching this.  At almost 6 now, she does the same thing, but realizes she will like it again later.  Now she hands it me and says “Can I save this for later”?
I could give you a list of 100 things on how to eat intuitively.  But I am going to leave you with just this one idea.  One idea is a lot easier to implement.
Don’t say no to those things that make you hum and dance when you take a bite.  
First, ask yourself “Is this Worth it?” or “Will this make me hum and dance?”  
If something is a YES, then get excited for it, anticipate it and serve it up in a pretty dish.  Sit down with pure joy and NO GUILT.
Take the first bite and move it around all over in your mouth.  REALLY experience it!  Then again ask yourself, “Is this worth it, do I want to hum and dance right now?”
If it really isn’t hitting that high note then throw it out and wait for the next opportunity to come with another food.  Don’t worry, we aren’t lacking from super yummy things here, the time will come.
If it does then continue on. Between each bite, set your silverware down and fully experience the moment.  Take time to let each bite sink in before taking the next.  Notice the flavors, the texture, any memory that food might hit.
After 5 bites check in and again see “Is this still worth it”?  By now the flavor will be diminishing and not have the same effect.  Continue on until you are sure it’s not hitting the same high note.  Then between 5-10 bites either throw it out or save it for the next time.  
Each time you practice this succeeding you are re-training your brain for those cues that are already there.   Yes, they are still in there.  Believe that and have hope in that!
Each time you win at this you are building your confidence that you canstop eating before it is gone.  That you can have power over food.  YES, YOU CAN!
Little by little you will ingrain this natural tendency with food and it won’t be so scary to be around treats.
Having 5-10 bites of a food that makes you hum DOES NOT derail weight loss!  Honestly, I think it speeds it up!  It is so freeing to know you don’t have to eat just chicken and kale to lose weight and then it becomes more of a lifestyle than “white knuckling” it to lose weight!
I do recommend that if you have a long history of not stopping when you are full to do these things when you are with another person and out in public.  As you restore some of your ability and power with food you will be able to do this in other situations.  For now, heed the wise words of my niece when she was 7 years old “I can’t be trusted with candy in my room” 
What makes you hum?  What foods AND what experiences?

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