I wanted to adopt lifelong good eating habits!

transformation stories Nov 11, 2015

Prior to Tall Trainer I was counting my calories using My Fitness Pal and I was working out at the YMCA 5 times a week & walking a couple times a week. I had lost some weight prior to attending Tall Trainer, but I had hit a plateau.

I have always enjoyed working out and was ready to push myself further physically and wanted a challenge. In addition, I wanted assistance with losing weight and wanted to adopt lifelong good eating habits.

I was absolutely amazed that I lost 25 pounds in three months. I didn’t even think that was possible. The trainers and Vitabot taught me the right combinations of food. I’ve increased my protein, reduced my carbs, and increased my fat intake. Vitabot helps set you up for success.

Tall Trainer truly helped me reach my next level of physical ability. All activities seem to be easier now: cycling, weight lifting, running, softball and golf.

Thank you Tall Trainer for helping me obtain the best physical shape I’ve ever been...
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I was very down on myself!

transformation stories Oct 07, 2015

Before doing the Tall Trainer Boot Camp I was very over weight, living a sedentary life, eating all the wrong foods and very down on myself.  I had no motivation to take care of myself and was already diagnosed as type II diabetic.

Then at my yearly doctors visit, I was told that my blood pressure was high and that my cholesterol was not good and that I needed to take meds for that in addition to my diabetes medication.  That is when I realized I needed to make a change. 

A friend suggested I try the Tall Trainer Boot Camp.  I was very scared at first because I was heavy and had been so sedentary for so long in addition to having a bad hip issue but decided to give it a try.  It was the best decision I have ever made! 

The people at Tall Trainer are all so wonderful and they helped me modify different things during our workouts if my hip was acting up. Each time I came to class I realized how much these people cared about me and wanted me to succeed....
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Never a "gym class hero"

transformation stories Sep 23, 2015


What a Transformation Kathy!  You are AMAZING!!

Here is her story:

Our family life with two adults and two active teens had grown into such a hectic rush of work schedules, school activities and volunteer responsibilities that I seriously considered moving my kitchen table into the van in order for us to actually share a meal together. With all too many meals away from home, on the go or short-order style when we were home, my weight had crept up to a significant level of extra pounds. I felt sluggish, had no energy, flexibility or stamina and found I was increasingly dissatisfied with the way I looked.

I started attending Tall Trainer with my son during the summer after he graduated from high school as a way to get him and myself into a better habit of exercise and nutrition awareness before he headed to college.

I was never what Sarah called a “gym class hero” – I didn’t play sports or take dance or gymnastics as a kid, and as an adult I was...
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17 Benefits! The obvious and the one's I didn't conceive!

transformation stories Sep 17, 2015

Angela Testimonial

Benefits of me being committed to my health and going to Tall Trainer:

 The obvious:

  1. I feel better physically
  2. I feel better mentally
  3. I feel better spiritually
  4. I have lost weight
  5. I have reduced inches
  6. I have less body fat
  7. I am on only a minuscule amount of blood pressure medicine (father died of a massive stroke at age 56) - down from 2 daily blood pressure medicines and a diarrheic.
  8. I am stronger.
  9. I have more confidence.
  10. My knees do not torture me.

 Now for the benefits I am reaping but didn't conceive of when I joined Tall Trainer:

  1. The volume of my lungs has increased dramatically. I have many allergies and have weak lungs. My peak flow meter (measures the volume of an exhale) has been in the range of 335-350 for the past 30 years. After one year at Tall Trainer, my peak flow meter now reads 480! Unbelievable!
  2. From the increase in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and protein in my food intake, my hair now has a natural curl!!! My hair, all of my...
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More than just a number on the scale

More Than a Number on the Scale


A post from Sarah (tall trainer's wife)

One of the hardest obstacles of boot camp for me was the SCALE.  I was (and some days still am) a person whose day was ruled by the number on the scale.


My back-story:

Sarah at 190 More Than a Number on the Scale

I was a “solid” kid who was much larger than the other girls in my class.  In the 3rd grade I became very aware of my body being bigger.  My “dieting” began that year.  But I was clueless and I also loved sugar.  I steadily gained weight and THEN came high school! 


My freshman year in gym class, we all had to stand in a line to get weighed.  I had an old hag of a gym teacher who said the numbers out loud as she weighed us.  To me she might as well have been announcing this over the loud speaker.  As she said the number there were a few that heard it.  One boy said “she weighs more than me”.   I clearly remember my body...

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