Nike stole this guys idea! and 9 other things I learned at the conference...

mindset Mar 20, 2013

Hello Friend,                                                   

It's been a busy month here at tall trainer.  I wanted to send this too you real quick because I found it so motivating. 

This speech is where I think Nike stole the "just do it" slogan. 

(someone played it at the personal training conference we went to last month.  I also have 9 other things I learned there that you can read real quick below the video.)

I hope you find this video as motivational as I did. 



10 things I learned at the IDEA personal training Conference...


We went to a personal training conference last month in DC to make sure we stay at the top of our game and deliver the best workouts, results, and education.  


Here are some things I learned... 

1.)     I learned greater details and a great way to explain some of our stress, weight gain, and hunger hormones (Cortisol, Leptin, Adiponectin, Grehlin, Peptide YY, and Cytokines).  Takes too much to explain here but I’ll make a separate post about it soon. 


2.)    I learned that our brains receive 40,000,000,000 points of information per second but we are only consciously aware of 2,000 per second.  We can chose which 2,000 to focus on.  If we focus on negative things that is what we will spend the 2,000 on.  I also learned (or maybe was reminded) that thoughts produce chemicals in the body and negative thoughts effect every cell of our bodies through these hormones.  The good news is so do positive thoughts.  Even better reason to work on your mind/thoughts. 


3.)    I learned that Art Williams gave a great motivational speech in 1987 (that I think Nike ripped off). 


4.)    I learned we are really doing a great job.  It’s good to be reminded.  The exercises we are doing and the methodology is good.  There are a couple areas we are going to work on.  A couple tweaks to posture and some more periodization in the classes. 


5.)    I got some good ideas for a weight loss contest.  We’ll be working on it and try to get one that we do once per year.  Maybe along with the summer challenge. 


6.)    I learned Chuck Wolfe was a class act and the kind of man it would be good for me to learn from.  He introduced himself to the videographer and the people that were helping at the door and remembered their names and thanked them many times.  He also greeted and learned the names of many people in class.  Very cool.  I could tell he really cared.  He was a presenter at the first conference I ever went to about 10 years ago.  It is the only session I still remember now. 


7.)    I learned we need to survey you guys so we know what you want.  I try to guess at what you want and sometimes people tell us, but a survey would help us a whole lot more.  I’ll be working on this.


8.)    I learned academics are coming more and more to a consensus that it’s environment that affects our health more than genetics.  Environment turns ON and OFF genes.  Change your environment you basically change your genes. 


9.)    I learned that an 8’6” vehicle will not fit in a parking garage that is 6’11” clearance.  Thankfully we caught this ahead of time and we were able to get out a different way with the help of the hotel staff. 


10.) I learned that there is a great range in personal trainers.  (I learn this every time I go to a conference).  There are the ones who are full of themselves, think a conference is a great time to party drink and hook up with a stranger (not my scene) and wear full body spandex (yes, even some of the guys!) and there are those who really care about helping people and learning how to be the best they can. 



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