I had nothing to lose but could maybe gain a new life!

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2018

This past summer I was feeling a bit lost.  Still trying to get used to “the empty nest”, I was doing the same thing every day.  Up for work, finish work, come home, have a couple glasses of wine and grab whatever for dinner, go to bed and repeat it again the next day.  I have always disliked myself, was always sucking in my gut everywhere I went.  I was very uncomfortable with myself, constantly self-conscious about being overweight.  My weight has held me back from doing so many things in my life.  I’m sure my life would have been a lot different if I wasn’t overweight.  I knew I had to do something to get healthier or I was headed down a road of physical problems.  I knew I needed to be at my best physical health to help my family members, and I want to be around to play with grandchildren someday.
I have been overweight my whole life.  I would get winded going up stairs or taking a walk.  I would lose some weight but then gain it back plus more.  I had a weight machine, a treadmill, and other exercise equipment that I rarely used.  I had friends who went to tall trainer, but I never really looked into it.  I came across a contest to win a couple months and decided to try my luck.  I figured if I was lucky enough, I would win and change my life.  I had nothing to lose but could maybe gain new life.  

After my time with tall trainer, I’ve lost weight, lost inches, I sleep better, I have more energy, I can now run up the stairs, my pants are not tight (before this when they were tight I would buy a bigger pair of pants!).   I smile now every time I zip up my pants because they are NOT TIGHT!  It is such a good feeling!  I am at a place on the scales that I haven’t been in decades.  I feel better mentally, happier, I have more confidence, and I am starting to feel better about myself.  I now think before I eat, plan my meals ahead, and am more conscious of what I am eating and what a serving size is!  This is the first time in my life that I look forward to exercise and want to do some kind of physical activity.  
Everyone at tall trainer made me feel so welcome and helpful to accomplish my goals.  
Thank you so very much for giving me the knowledge to continue on my fitness journey!    ~Mary

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