Why TRI?!?!

healthy lifestyle mindset Oct 06, 2014

Why TRI??


Whether or not to do this years Fingerlakes Triathlon was something I wrestled with for MONTHS.  I really really reallydid not want to do it.


Three years ago TallTrainer put together relay teams for the Triathlon.  I was due for Anna close to that time so it wasn’t wise for me to participate (born less than 2-weeks before).  But I was insanely jealous of everyone that was doing it.  You all made it look so fun!  Well, the next year rolled around and I thought I would give it a try.  In my mind I had one huge hurdle to overcome.  I had never ridden a road bike in my life.  I grew up with dirt roads mountain biking.  In college I had a close friend killed on a road bike so I never really wanted to get into it.   I decided it was time to face my fear and give road biking a chance, I mean it is just like riding a bike?!?  I could do that. HA!


I was able to get a nice road bike used.  I wish Jeremy took a video of my first time riding that thing(I will call it a thingbecause it is hardly a bike).  I couldn’t even get on it.  Then when I finally did, I felt like I was sitting on top of a feather.  It was so light!  I had practice sessions in parking lots trying to get on and off it and shifting gears, just like you do with little children.  I still dismount the thingin a start to fall off and tumble sort of way! I also do not have enough courage to lift my hands to motion which way I am turning, take a sip of water or tighten the cage on the petals.  Once I am on that thingI am not moving my hands!!  Jeremy and I managed to do two real bike rides before the triathlon.  I had a teeny tiny bit of confidence on the thingbut ALL I could think about that day wasnotwrecking on the bike.


Here is my Triathlon training up to that point. 

  • Two 12.5 mile bike rides
  • Swam in our swimming pool for 15 minutes two times (touching each time I turned around)
  • Ran a 5K distance each weekend


I had never done ALL three togetherJI had NOT once swam in the lake that year(and it had been years since I had) or had ever practiced wearing a wetsuit.  This was notWISE!


Race day came and I had NO fear of swimming, I was confident in my ability.  This was an ability I had in high school that I hadn’t tested since thenWELL SURPRISE.  The horn blew and I took of like CRAZY.  I realized two things in about 1 minute.  Wearing a wetsuit makes me very claustrophobic and swimming was harder than I remembered.  Just when I got half way, where you can NO longer TOUCH the bottom I was gassed.  I had no more umph. I got splashed in the face and took in water.  I was choking, out of breath and I felt like my wetsuit was strangling me.  My ability to mentally bring myself back was GONE.  I had way to many moments that felt like I was going to die.  I tried to call for help to the kayak but they didn’t notice at first.  I gave one more “HELP”with all I had left in me and they were right there.  So there I was resting on a kayak scared to death and I still had more than half the swim left.  Mentally I brought myself back around and was able to finish knowing the kayaker was watching me closely.


By the time I got transition one I had no more nerves left!  I also tried to shoot the breeze with the girl next to me.  THAT WAS HILARIOUS!  She looked at me like I was nuts and was off in a flash before I even had my towel out to dry me feet.  Once I was able to get on the bike in my special little way (which if anyone was watching I hope I made their day) I was cruising pretty good.   The adrenaline of the race took my fear away and I was flying. Then I heard it! SHHHH SHHHH SHHHH. First I went into denial, then I started praying, and then I ended up in someone’s front yard with an actual fall tumble-roll.  I HAD A FLAT TIRE!  I hadn’t even thought of this happening and wasn’t prepared.  So I started walking.  Tears started to well up.  I had a short pity party for myself.  Then I started praying for Jeremy to be doing really well and cheering on those who were now flying by me once again.  After walking for 20-25 minutes and nice man came and fixed my flat.  He pulled out a huge piece of glass that he found after slicing his finger on it.  I didn’t realize I could finish the race after this.  He kindly fixed my tired and said “good luck”.  I looked at him confused and said “I can finish?”and off I went again.  I was able to finish that day and was in good spirits by the time it was all over.


From that day until July of this year I wrestled back and forth on whether to sign up again for this fun filledexperience.  I was now PETRIFIEDof the swim and not overly fond of the bike.  I prayed and prayed about it.  In the end I decided that I would always regret letting my fear win. We encourage people to try new things that are scary and I would feel like a fraud if I were not willing to do the same.  Each month new people walk into boot camp scared and it is so amazing to see the transformation when they start doing things they never dreamed of doing.  I didn’t want to be the type of person that only does things that I am sure of doing well at.   So I signed up and committed this race to everyone who steps outside his or her comfort zone.  I committed to pray about this and knew that I could get through this with God by my side.


I didn’t have a lot of time to give up to train for this.  I have this amazing husband and super adorable daughter that I wasn’t willing to sacrifice much of my time for.  I did 2 practice drills of pool swim; bike, run all together in august and I dragged Jeremy to the lake 3 times.  The first swim in the lake I had to touch the bottom often and I am sure my heart rate was through the roof the whole time.  My nerves were on edge.  The second swim we did was in a pond. A freezing cold pond. I had another panic attack. Around this same time I decided to get on the bike again.  I popped my chain off three times in 2 miles. I was feeling totally defeated and DEPERATELY wanting to QUIT.  I wrote in my journal, prayed and prayed some more.  Jeremy had the bright idea to just tread water for a half hour in the pool to boost my confidence.  While doing this he also thought it was a great idea to start splashing me in the face so I could choke and still stay above water.  I really wanted to kick him where it counts, but it did helpJ.  My second swim in the lake was much better and the third I finally felt like I could tackle this.

I have seen so many times and know from experience that right after you want to quit the victory comes.  The key is to NOT GIVE UP!!


So there I was race day.  

My goals were simple: Face the fear and do my best!


I am happy to say my second triathlon in the books seemed very uneventful.  I was able to swim the whole way without resting, I didn’t not get a flat tire or pop a chain and I was able to finish in a great time considering the amount of training I had done. 


But, this triathlon wasone of the most eventfulmoments in my life.  I had to step way outside my comfort zone.  I had to learn to laugh at myself and not take it too seriously.  I had to hone in my ability of positive self-talk and hush the “you can’t do this”.  I did something that I was not amazing at.  I had to only focus on myself and not what other people were doing. 


Mentally I feel much stronger.  I don’t have this nagging “what-if” inside of me.  I can say I am proud of myself for doing this.


What is your “triathlon”? Is there something you dream of doing but are afraid?  It might be a life changing moment to face it!  Every time I have stepped outside of my comfort zone it has been a beautiful learning experience that has made me a better person!

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