What am I capable of?

mindset Mar 14, 2019
What am I capable of????

I was recently listening to a book and it asked the question, “What am I capable of?” That really struck a chord with me. When was the last time I asked that and really reflected on it? More so, Do I ask in a positive way? My first instinct was to spin it on the negative. Thinking of all the things I dream of doing but am not. All the things I do that I wish I did not. I am capable of being a whiny baby, snapping at my husband, polishing off a WHOLE bag of Dorito’s in one afternoon, or not getting my checklist done for that day...well that’s not encouraging or inspiring!

BUT what if I asked that question in a positive way. What am I really capable of? The truth is we are ALL capable of being a better version of our self. Of pushing a little harder in a workout. Of eating a little healthier, or saying NO to some things so we can say YES to the things that will really move us forward to a better life. 

The book talked about creating your “cookie jar”. I prefer to call it “treasure chest” because the word cookie makes me want to eat one right now!   But, in this you create a list of some hard things you HAVE done. YOUR HARD, not what others would think is hard. Make YOUR list specific to YOU, no one is going to look and say “your hard is silly!” We have all done things that were hard for us at some point in our life and have felt accomplished by that. It may be as simple as “I put away the freaking laundry today, I am a Rockstar”. Or I get up every day and do the darn thing even when I don’t want too! I birthed a baby...THAT IS HARD! I am not even going to say my treasure chest because I don’t want anyone to compare. But get a list of a couple things that were hard and you feel proud of yourself for doing. You can write them too but make sure they become stored in your mind for easy access. 


SOOO when you are faced with something challenging you can reflect upon this and then quickly say “I’ve got this”. “I CAN do HARD things!” “I am capable!”

I love this for physical goals. When trying to lift a little heavier or run a little faster. What I am a really capable of? Most people say 40-60% more than what we are actually giving. Holy crap, that’s A LOT more! So, what if today I just gave 5% more and next month 5% more ...and so on...and so on...keeping forward motion. Where would I be in a year? What would I accomplish? WHAT AM I CAPABLE OF???? 


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