Watermelon "detox" Water

recipes Aug 04, 2017

I have to be honest.  When I see the word "detox" I cringe.  I think I have read to many "drink this detox..blah blah for 7 days and lose 7 pounds" and that drives me nuts.  That is not sustainable and extremely difficult.  One time in college my friend and I decided we were going to only eat watermelon for three days.  We went to the store and each bought 3.  I made it to noon, was so hungry, cranky and peeing orange.  Later that day we went to Sonic and certainly ate more calories if we hadn't had that silly idea.

So here's the deal.  Drinking water is detoxing.  Eating any fruit or Vegetable will detox you.  Working out and getting a good sweat will detox you.  Yes, certain things will do more so than others and we are made to daily detox!

I am not a water lover.  I think it is BORING!  I would rather drink coffee and Vanilla coke all day.  But turns out I get a raging headache and feel less than stellar if I do that.  So, I MAKE myself drink water because I see and feel the benefit.  I have scheduled "chugs" because my brain skipped that day when you learned to know you are thirsty :)

I have been playing with different infused water and right now this is MY FAVORITE!!

Watermelon "detox" Water:
I took 2 mason jars and filled each with:
5-6 cubes watermelon
4-5 slices of cucumber
5-6 pieces of mint.
Iced water.

I let it steep for 3-4 hours and it already had a great flavor.  They lasted 24 hours in the fridge just fine.   I actually refilled them 2x and they still had great flavor!
I found myself easily getting the amount of water I need (1/2 your body weight in ounces is recommended) every time I have these on hand.

If you don't have mint growing in your yard find a friend who does.  I am sure they will gladly share.  That stuff grows like crazy and will take over your flower beds.  #thestruggleisreal

I hope you enjoy!

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