Water Workout!

exercise tips Oct 28, 2016


Grab a Gallon of water and get ready to SWEAT! This workout is set up to use the gallon of water as your resistance. Then when you are done crack it open and get drinking

Repeat these 3 exercises for 10 minutes (or 5 if you are a beginner)

Squat hold arm out to Left side 10x (keeping arm out the whole time)
Squat with Right arm out Right side 10x V-ups 20x -Lay on your back with your legs up in the air, hold the gallon with both hands and extend arms back towards the floor. Lift them back up towards the ceiling using your abs to do the work.

Shake it up! 20x up and 20x side

(Stand up holding the gallon, keep your abs tight and shake the water up and then side to side)


Next set of 3 exercises-Repeat for 10 minutes

Lunge Position Back Fly 10x Left- Stand in a lunge position leaning over your knee and using the gallon as a “flying” motion with your arm out the side. Don’t go past the height of your shoulder.
Lunge Position Back Fly 10x Right

Push Up Slide 10x-Go into a push up position with the gallon to your side. Push up and then move the gallon to the opposite side and repeat 10x.
High Knees 30x -Stand up holding the gallon and rise the right and left knee like marching. For advanced you can add speed and hold the gallon over your head.


Last set –Repeat for 10 minutes

Burpee with Press 10x-Place gallon between legs do a burpee, grab gallon by handle, raise over head, set back down and repeat alternating arms.
Booty Bridge 20x- Lay on your back, bend knees so your heals are near your “booty, place the gallon on your hips/pelvis, and use your heals to push up and down.Plank Triceps Extension 10Left

Plank Triceps Extension 10 Right-in a plank position for knees or toes, grab hold of the gallon, with your arm to your side, extend back and in.

If you are pinched for time just do one set of these. You fill feel a great “burn” and get your metabolism revved up!

Hope you enjoy. As always, exercise smart. If something hurts, especially a joint, stop and get a trainer to help you do it right. Have fun and be safe!

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