Warm Romaine Salad

recipes Feb 05, 2018

I don't know about you all but Salads in the Winter are a struggle.  In the summer I love salads and actually crave them.  But when the temperature goes below 30 degrees I want NOTHING to do with them.  We like to make lots of veggie soups to keep our nutrition levels going strong BUT I made this little concoction on a frigid day and wanted to share!  I have been eating these every chance I get and LOVE them!  
It's super easy to make and you can do any variation your little hearts desire.
Cut ONE romaine heart in half. (I like to buy the bags of romaine hearts). Heat a skillet with 1/2 tbsp of oil.  I either use a flavored oil or avocado oil.  Saute one side for 2-3 minutes.  Sprinkle the other side with 1/2 tbsp of oil, Flip and saute for 2 minutes. Sprinkle with himalayan salt or sea salt.
The lettuce is nice and warm but still crisp.  The oil becomes the salad dressing and you don't need to add any more.
We always have cooked chicken on hand.  So one of my favorite ways to top this is with BBQ chicken and a pear or apple.  
Then whaa-laa you have a warm salad made in MINUTES.  
Some other variations could be chicken with salsa and avocado.  
Lightly saute some cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with feta.
Let's get creative...What are some of your ideas?

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