Trouble Zoner Burner

exercise tips May 19, 2016

This workout is a total body resistance-training workout that also hits and burns the trouble zones. This will capitalize on FAT burning and localized muscle toning in the most common “Trouble” areas. This workout can be done at different levels and if you aren’t sure you got it please get help from an expert. I want you toned not hurt.


You will need a Dumbbell or two – (women start with 5-8 lbs, men start with 10-15 lbs). Some of you will be able to progress to using a heavier weight on Tap Back Touch and Punch and Reverse Crunch with Pullover. I (Jeremy) would use 30 pounds on those two and 20 pounds on the others to give you an idea.


Perform each exercise for 1 minute then at the end of the circuit take 2-3 minutes rest and do it again. 2-3x’s through. If you don’t have a timer, complete each exercise 15x’s.

The Exercises:

1.) Lunge Triceps Left

2.) Lunge Triceps Right
3.) Jumping Jacks
4.) Slow Mountain Climber W/Twist

5.) High Knees

6.) Tap Back Touch and Punch Left

7.) Tap Back Touch and Punch Right

8.) Fast Feet
9.) Side Plank Back Fly Left

10.) Side Plank Back Fly Right

11.) Reverse Crunch and Pullover

If you feel pain in any joints stop immediately!

This should not hurt neck, back, shoulder, etc. You should feel tired & hard work in the butt, abs, arms, and thighs. It’s not just WHAT you do but HOW you do it that gets the best results. Have fun and be safe!! Enjoy

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