The way you do one thing

mindset Jan 13, 2020

I recently heard the quote: “The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.”   I don’t 100% buy into that because my house is WAY cleaner than my car.  But there is A LOT of truth to that statement as well.


In our country, some of the top struggles are with finances and health. By health, I mean by what we have control of, what we put into our bodies and how we move our bodies.  I also think the way many people manage their health and their finances go hand in hand.  They just don’t pay attention or feel they don’t have the time to take control.


Both areas have WAY TOO many shiny objects distracting us to what we truly want.  You cannot leave your house or look at ANYTHING without some enticement for MORE,  MORE,  MORE. 


When finances are out of control, the solutions seems simple.  Set a budget based on your income and your expenses and tell your money what to do.  If you need more income then pick up some extra work.  It’s not exciting, it’s not fancy but IT WORKS. 


There is no difference with food.  It is a budget.  We have a certain amount of energy that we burn a day.  We can decide how we want to spend that energy.  If I want to have some extra,  I do a little extra.  Some days I like to spend it on apple fritters. Some days I go over budget and I decide to spend it on more veggies. 


What if you took the emotion out of food and looked at it like finances for a short time?  Not putting perfectionist rules behind it- but just plain science.  You take control of that budget. 


Say you played my little game and budgeted your finances and your food consumption.  I don’t think today would look super exciting.  A month from now may not show to much... But after that, those choices start to snowball, the progress is so exciting and you actually start to step into the future you DREAMT OF.  That hope and momentum keep you going.  You just have to get through blah of setting it up.


This is not glamorous.  Those first few days may feel totally overwhelming.  I think much of the overwhelm is from thinking about it too much.  Get out of your head and just do it, it’s not a bad as you think.  When you take the time plan, prep and prepare for what you want,  you end up having a lot more time.  No mental space is wasted.  It is the daily grind of small choices that add up to the future that you dream of.   This does not mean you don’t buy that shiny new something ever,  or order a tantalizing treat.  You just plan for it and adjust accordingly.  Make your goal clear in your mind to call upon it when that plan seems LAME-O!  Remember your why!


Jeremy and I have tackled these areas pretty hard since we have been married.   Shifting our mindset to tiny goals today to live the dream has kept us in the grind.  We haven’t been perfect but we have adjusted afterward and got back on track.

So, think about it...What if the things you think will hold you down, actually give you great freedom?  Will they project you into living your dream life.  It might be worth a little elbow grease and your time now!


What will the end of 2020 look like for you?  What will the end of this decade look like?  Dream a little and do the little stuff today to get there!


Much love



Don’t know what your budget is for food?  Check it out here>



Don’t know how to budget your food.  Email [email protected] and we can set you up with our FAVORITE food tracking program.

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