The Thanksgiving Diet - Straight from 1620

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2019

This is a great story of the pilgrims.  If you have a chance before you eat your BIG meal listen to the whole thing. 

(see bottom of the page for the full story)

I'm going to share with you one thing that stood out to me that I found really powerful.  From their own journals...The pilgrims were a group of 140ish protestants seeking religious freedom, not exploiting Indians like some other new world visitors.  The mayflower was the size of a volleyball court and it took 66 days to get to the new world.  They landed in December near Boston (they were aiming for Virginia but storms got them off course). 

There were no magical provisions in the cold barren surroundings.  They were left to try to make it through winter with the supplies on the ship.  They got down to 5 kernels of corn per person per day. 


The one's that made it through that winter made contact with Indians who had been watching them.  The Indians helped them learn to grow food in this new place.  They found themselves with more food than they needed.  A bounty.  They invited the Indians to feast with them to celebrate, creating the first thanksgiving. 

What an amazing contrast to 5 kernels of corn per person per day!  That is something to celebrate.  For thanksgiving this year I want to put 5 kernels of corn on the plates before we eat and take a moment to be thankful for the massive spread of food we have that day and truly everyday. 

I am thankful for my food and for you my friend as you read this note.  I hope and pray you have a great Thanksgiving and you always have enough. 

God Bless,

Jeremy "tall trainer" Biernat


P.S. please listen to this more complete story from a better story teller than I...if you have time you won't regret it! 

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