The Jeremy-Sarah Story

healthy lifestyle Aug 21, 2013

The Sarah and Jeremy Story


God has blessed me with an amazing woman.  She stretches me to be better.  I love her like crazy!

We have now been married 4 years though both Sarah and I both agree it feels like 10!  But in a good way.  I cannot imagine life with out her and it feels like we are old friends, like I’ve known her when I was a kid.

Here is a quick story of our adventures up to this point:

How we met -

Actually online.  I had joined and put a profile together because I was so busy working I was never in a social situation to meet someone.  I was planning on going on several dates just to see what was out there.  I went on one before Sarah and we had very little in common, and the whole dating thing didn’t seem so fun then.  Sarah saw a commercial and was curious that she went on “just to look”.  She saw a few people she knew that were definitely NOT the type of guy she wants.  She got to my profile and thought I was interesting.  She saw my business name on there and looked it up and then friend requested me on facebook.  She was going to undo that in the morning but I already accepted because I get up so early.  First picture I saw of her. (doesn’t Stella’s tounge look extra long as first glance?)

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We met for a date in naples – supposed to be bob n ruths but they were closed for the season still.  (march 21, 2009).  We ate at luigi’s and went for a walk.  Going into the date I wasn’t too excited because she lived so far away.  Once I met her I had to go on another date, and then another.

We numbered our dates as we went.

This video is from date #4  –Take a Hike!

quick version skip the videos the pictures below are better


I never thought I’d be able to marry someone until YEARS of knowing them.  I asked Sarah to marry me on our 23rd date (about 2.5 months from our first date)  (6/5/2009)

Here is a video as I picked up the ring. Personal Story-Engagment Ring


So she said yes and we got married 2.5 months later!  (5 months to the day from our first date!)

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Then Sarah ran a marathon.  (she was training for it before we even met!)  I of course dressed like an idiot so she could see me from far away.

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We moved into an apartment on park ave.  Stayed there for 5-months.  Heat bill was crazy (old house) and didn’t feel like our space. So Sarah talked me into using our wedding money to buy a 1984 single wide trailer.

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We lived in that trailer for about a year and a half before we moved to start trying for a baby.  (we paid off a TON of student loan debt in that trailer).  We agreed to start looking in September, Sarah just wanted to check out the market in May.  So we bought a house and closed in June.

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Tall Trainer Wise, I married Sarah when all we had was one AM class (5:30 am) and one PM class (5:30 mon/wed, 6:00 tues/thurs).  Sarah has been a HUGE part of tall trainer’s success.  We would not be here without her support but more importantly her hours and hours of work, and MOST important her crazy insight that I can only guess comes from God because it’s CRAZY how good she is when she has a “FEELING” or Idea.

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We’ve had some fun.  (making fun of the end of the world predictions)

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We got a couple trips in before we were ready for the baby.  (colorado – honeymoon, maine, mexico, myrtle beach)  Below is a picture of mexico trip, we don’t even do the beach well, had to climb something)

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Sarah has managed to get sick on nearly every vacation.  In mexico it was day one food poisoning from the lunch buffet, yep, we got to go to a mexican hospital she dehydrated so bad.  She’s way tougher than me and in a day and a half she was bored of the beach and ready to climb something.

We announced to the boot camp classes that we wanted to pay off our student loans before we had a baby….which means we only have 6 more months!!!

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That was fun to see the reaction slowly work it’s way through the room.  You guys are like family to us, so it was so great to be able to share the excitement with you.

We did manage to pay the last student loan off and become debt free except our house a few months before Anna Grace was born.

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Then Anna Grace showed up.  (tough birth story here)

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And boy oh boy what an adventure this year has been.  My favorite thing on the planet is being redeemed by Jesus Christ and having a relationship (that I stink at) with God, Second is being a husband to Sarah (still needs improvement), and third to be the daddy of this CUTE little girl!!!!!!!!!  (way out of my league)

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That brings me to this very moment…

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(ok so the story is a LOT longer and has a LOT more details, If you want the full version you’ll have to invite Sarah, Anna, and I over for dinner :o)


I am a very blessed trainer.  I thank God often for my wife Sarah.  Without her my life is a pretty sad little thing.  With her I am living the dream.  Sarah, these 4 years have been the best years of my life by FAR!!!  Every year I become more and more amazed with you.  Wait, that isn’t true. every Day, hour, minute, and second I become more and more amazed with you.  Your physical strength (are you stronger than me now?).  Your Strength of WILL (50 hours of labor to bring Anna into the world).  Your wisdom (proven time and time again, and not in an I told you so way).  Your Patience (let’s face it, I’m not easy to be around for one hour in boot camp and you have me for hours and hours!).  Your decorating style (I live in a better house (and trailer) than I could have ever imagined).  Your CRAZY hard work (you inspire me to get my butt going).  Your ability to sacrifice for me and for Anna (thousands of ways). Your tasty food (you cook awesome!).  Your thriftiness that allowed us to pay off $98,000 in debt in 3.5 years.  Your Everything (too much more to say, I’ll just say it in person).


Happy Anniversary to my Best Friend, Girl friend, Fiance, Wife, and baby momma.  I love you!!!!


If 4 years feels like 10 then I can’t wait to spend another 200+ years with you!!!!  If you think my wife is awesome too, tell her in the comments!!!!

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