The Cause of Most Joint Pain....

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019


If you keep making that face, it’s going to stick that way!


That was the phrase mom used when she didn’t like the gross twisting of your face. As a kid you think, whoa!...wait!...could that happen?


As adults, we know that no one has been able to successfully achieve that outcome. Though I do think it is possible. It’s just you have to hold it for YEARS!


What does this have to do with join pain?


While we may not hold facial positions for very long we do hold body positions for hours and hours at a time. For some all day! The slouched over position that 99% of car drivers have and 85% of cubicle dwellers. Both of those stats were made up off the top of my head. However, look around and that’s what you see.


This position is murder for the neck, shoulders, lower back, and knees!


“If you don’t use it you lose it.”


This position starts to slowly tighten the muscles in the body and if you don’t fight it they get so tight that they put extra pressure on the joints.


So what can we do?


Sit up straighter consciously – but this won’t last long

Don’t recline so much – think 1900’s sofas straight backs!

Walk and stand – start working on getting at least 50% of your time out of the chair

Exercise – stretch and move!


No one wants to become the classic old hunched over person. Not even the hunched over person! So stop holding that position so long or you’ll stick that way!

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