The Best Kept Weight Loss Secret

healthy lifestyle mindset Apr 11, 2019

There are all sorts of ways that people try to lose weight and get healthier. From what I've seen, there is one thing that separates permanent results from temporary results.

The willingness to be a continual learner. 

So many people start off in our bootcamp classes, and many of them have no direction or idea of where to start. We provide resources and ideas and opportunities. And many people take full advantage of what we offer. 

What separates the impressive, sustainable results from the flash in the pan weight loss that many experience is the ability to continue to grow on the journey.

This weekend I'm headed off to continue growing on my own journey as a person and as a fitness professional outside of Washington, D.C., where the blossoms are in bloom!

I NEED to step outside of my comfort zone and get coaching, advice, and knowledge from other sources in order to continue to develop and improve at something that is important to me.

Is your health important to you? 

When was the last time you attended a seminar, coaching group, listened to a podcast/audio book, or read an article/book on the subject?

I started a coaching group last month and it was totally awesome. One thing that really stood out to me: of the ten people in the group, half of them were on the Tall Trainer Wall of Fame. They have already achieved tremendous levels of success.

Most people would look at them and say "Congrats, your journey is done!"

But they look at their lives and say "Where can I still improve?" 

And then they go out and do it.

Find areas of your life that need improvement, and then make the time to grow in that way.

I have yet to see someone get healthier on accident; go out and pursue it with purpose.


Your Coach,

Andrew Biernat
Author, Speaker, Coach
[email protected]

 Andrew is a Personal Trainer and Health Coach based in scenic Canandaigua, NY. He loves living life with his wife Samantha, and daughter Rosabelle. Author of the book Grow Your Mind, Shrink Your Waist, Andrew shares his message of growth and change with his clients, community, and everyone he comes in contact with. Known for his contagious laughter and boundless enthusiasm, Andrew has a heart for service. Let him help you. Get his book, or send him a message: [email protected]




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