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Take a MOMENT to CHANGE your life!

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2018
I actually don’t set resolutions anymore. I feel like it has become kind of a joke. That most people do them for about one month and then all is forgotten. Gyms are packed in January but plenty treadmills open in February. 
I want to set you up to have a successful, healthy, empoweringyear ahead!   Drawing from some of our favorite mentors I have put together questions that can set you up for an awesome year ahead!
I use an annual guidebook to reflect on my previous year and plan for the coming year.  I truly believe one of the MAIN reasons I have maintained my 60-pound weight loss for 16+ years (minus pregnancy’s) is because I have become a massive goal setterand I DAILY check in on these goals/intentions.  I create a year plan of things that I want to happen in my spiritual life, health, marriage, parenting, career, finance, impact in the community and physical ability.   I then break down how I am actually going to make those happen.  Clue, it’s not wishing upon a star!  It’s getting into the details of what it will take to make it happen. 
This is the first step, actually knowing what you are shooting for!  Then you can break it down.  PLEASE take a moment (like, ONE hour) over the next few weeks get quite and really reflect on these questions.  
This WILL be time well spent.  I know it can seem overwhelming in our already over booked lives.  But we can’t afford not to take this time. 
Typically I spend:
1-2 hours doing this review each year.  
1 hour each month setting up my intentions
5-10 minutes each morning reflecting and planning.  
I PROMISE this is time well spent.  These few moments have saved me countless hours that would be lost in my head, wishing for change, too overwhelmed and feeling defeated.  

Here’s how I do this:
*Use the annual guidebook and have done before January 1st. 
*Get a large planner that has room for notes in the back, and room to write in for each week day.
*In the notes section EACH MONTH look over your guidebook and make goals in the areas of your life you are working on. For me- spiritual life, health, marriage, parenting, career, finance, impact in the community and physical ability.  Then, under each area I make 1-5 things I am going to do  improve these areas and step toward my BIG PICTURE. Some of these things are super easy and established and some are a challenge.  I try to have a mixture of really do-able goals and only a few that are a stretch. 
*Daily set an intention based off these monthly goals. I seriously almost never miss a day doing this.  This has become so essential and shown it’s benefit countless times I feel LOST without starting the day like this!
I NEVER reach all of my goals and life throws curve balls--roll with them!  But I DO get a lot closer, achieve a lot more and have more peace about my future when I approach the year this way!
CHEERS to a KICK BUTT 2019!!!  Not just January but ALL year!

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