Sweet Potato Waffles

recipes Feb 26, 2019

This was SO good and something out of the ordinary breakfast for us.  Try this on a slower weekend morning home when you don't have to rush out the door  or even dinner!  
Makes 4 large Waffles
3 medium Sweet Potatoes grated
3 large eggs
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/4 tsp. smoked paprika
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or salt
Sauted Kale or baby spinach in a little oil with salt and pepper
Eggs- fried or scrambled
Heat a waffle Iron.
In a medium mixing bowl whisk 3 eggs and spices.  Then mix in grated sweet potatoes.
Spray heated waffle iron and add mixture to cover all quadrants.   Cook until outside is lightly golden and starts to crisp.  Ours took about 5 minutes.
Saute Kale or spinach while cooking waffle.
Slice avocado
Fry or scramble eggs.
I like to make mine as a sandwich using 1/2 a waffle, fried egg, a few slices of avocado and sauted spinach.  You could do this opened faced or however pleases you to drop it down the hatch :)
1 FULL Waffle
131 calories . 25g carb . 6.2g protein . 3.8g fat.
Waffle sandwich using 1 whole waffle, 2 eggs, 1/4 avocado and 1/2 cup sauteed spinach
433 calories . 39g carb . 23g protein . 25g fat

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