Sorry It’s too "Peopley" out there...

mindset Mar 20, 2020
Sorry It’s too "Peopley" out there...
I got this shirt a few years a back being a true introvert and baby it is this shirts time to SHINE! 
I have spent many days long before this worrying about scenarios and disaster situations but never could my mind fathom what we are going through right now! How fast our world can completely change!
Lesson- don’t spend time worrying about stuff because that stuff won’t happen- weirder stuff will- just don’t worry! LOL

Have any of you had your mind go down a rabbit hole of “what if’s” with this. Mine sure has. We spent an evening texting all of our clients telling them we are shut down. Which means income to no income in a matter of minutes and having a staff that rely on us for income. The stress has been HIGH like it has been for ALL of us in some capacity. I have asked Jeremy a few times to look at me and tell me “we aren’t going to starve, end up on the street, and have to let our puppy go into the wild to try to survive”. We both start laughing and then realized I have watched way too many thrillers in my early 20s. I think sci-fi is stupid and this whole world feels like sci-fi right now!

Here’s the deal. We don’t have a lot of control right now on what is going on. The only thing we have control of is ourselves and how we respond to this whole COVID 19 thing. Just so you know I am no Pollyanna ray of sunshine. I can go dark and negative pretty quick. So, this is WORK for me too!

Our Anna Grace (7 years old 1st grader) is going to remember this time forever. Like her whole life, she will remember this. She will remember how the house felt and how Mom and Dad responded to this. Hope Emmaline just turned 11 months but she picks up on my mood and energy like no other. These two help me keep perspective. At the end of the day I can’t control what is happening outside of the house. Inside I am struggling to keep it together but I am CHOOSING to make memories and get creative. To give them that gift of how to respond when the next crazy crap-storm hits in life. When they are adults and something blindsides them and everything is uncertain- they will have the memories of this. Let’s choose to spread positivity, that can be just as contagious as fear.

Faith over Fear! We have all heard this before but I am choosing it hard core right now. Because why not? Living in fear keeps us paralyzed and miserable and drags everyone else down with it. Look for the helpers, be a helper. THEY ARE OUT THERE. You are out there. Be a helper!

Be thankful. There IS something to be thankful for. You may have to get creative with this too but choosing gratitude in this will ease the fear and uncertainty of this all. Come up with a list. Daily. Start with a few things and it may spark another and another. Like you aren’t using a leaf to wipe your butt for starters. I’m so grateful this happened now where we can stay connected through technology- if this happened even 15 years ago the challenge to connect would be much greater.

Look for the positives! There are actually some good things happening from this. This is a great chance to re-asses how we do life and what it will look like when we can be together in a community again. This certainly puts in perspective what we thought we really NEED to be doing.

I know many of you don’t have this gift of extra time like others. You’re trying to work from home and now homeschool the kids and let’s not even go into feeding the whole family all the darn time!! Oye!! But, you can do hard things. This isn’t forever. You’ve got this!!

Get off the flipping news and stop reading all the blogs. Stay informed. Check the CDC or WHO once or twice a day and then shut it down. You will be informed enough at that. It is toxic and it will keep the fear HIGH. EVERY time I have started to lose my mind is because I read one too many things and that rabbit whole of “what ifs” consumes me. I can’t make you do it but I beg you to get a boundary on that!

We believe in community, we believe in face to face contact to connect and serve. This is our purpose here on earth and that has to get creative and change during this to keep that community safe. If you are struggling please reach out to someone. If you don’t have anyone then reach out to me [email protected]

We will be stronger after this all. Even us crazy introverts can't wait to be around people again!  Let’s rise and be a light in this crazy world.

You can do hard things!
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

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