Snow Day- Card Game Workout

exercise tips Jan 17, 2017

Snow Day – Card Game Workout

Wintertime can be a tough time for physical activity. The thought of going outside to get the mail can start us shivering. Run? Walk? OUTSIDE???? Ridiculous!!! Here's an idea to keep you inside and in great shape. Cardio without running or going outside! You will need a standard deck of cards.

Assign each suit a different exercise:Hearts = Jumping Jacks
Diamonds = High Knees
Clubs = Burpees

Spades = Mountain Climbers

Set a timer for 30 seconds (set it to repeat). Flip a card over and do that exercise until the timer goes off again. This will take you 26 minutes to finish the deck.

Want it harder? Try setting the timer for 45 seconds or for a minute! (warning: a minute will make it a 52 minute workout!!!)

Note: jokers can be taken out or left in and mean you have to repeat the exercise you just got done doing!

Other options for exercises: - Punch the Air
- Squats
- Repeater Knees

- Random Dance - Rest
- Tantrum
- Duck Jabs

- Plank
- Fast Feet
- Alternate Tap back - Ice Skaters
- Etc.

Other ideas:
This workout can also be done with a die from a board game. You must set the number of rolls the workout should have and choose 6 exercises and assign each a number.

Final Thought: This is a good general cardio workout that fits well in the place of running or walking. It is not a complete program in itself. It needs resistance and high intensity intervals, plus stretching to round out your program. For more info on this consider joining our program for a month or getting a couple one on one sessions to have a workout plan developed for you.

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