Sarah's 35th Birthday Workout

exercise tips Jul 22, 2015

Sarah's 35th Birthday Workout

Here is a workout we did to celebrate my amazing wife's 35th birthday! It requires no equipment and you can work at your own pace. This workout is considered a ladder. You climb down and if you have time you can climb back up again.

There are 4 exercises in each round. The first round you do each one 35x the next 30x - 25x - 20x - 15x - 10x - 5x. You can take a rest break then or go after the next round with 4 new exercises and climb back up. Round 1 5x of each of the 4 exercises, then - 10x - 15x - 20x - 25x - 30x - 35x.

If you are working out with someone faster than you, you can challenge them to climb back down again on the last set. This workout could take anywhere from 30 - 60 min. Also, you don't have to start at 35x if you aren't as sure of yourself. You can start at 20x and on set 2 just climb to 20x (or other number that feels right for you)

Set 1 Exercises - (climbing down from 35 by 5's) V -ups
High Knees

Arm Circles

Set 2 Exercises - (climbing up to 35 by 5's) T antrum
Fast Feet
Mountain Climbers

Scissor Abs


Hope you enjoy. As always, exercise smart. If something hurts, especially a joint, stop and get a trainer to help you do it right.


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