Roasted Tomato Sauce

recipes Sep 29, 2016

This recipe is from "Christine the Tomato Queen".

If any of you know Christine she ALWAYS has a bounty of fresh vegetables in the summer.  Her garden is amazing.  I find it very handy to have a friend like this..since my garden...well....lets just say was a LOST cause this summer :) 

Easiest recipe ever!!!

9x13 pan, or larger. I prefer lasagna pan-can also use crock pot!
12 cups tomatoes, any kind, cut into chunks
4 cups chopped peppers, I used sweet
2 cups chopped onions
4 teaspoons minced garlic
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
(You can adjust amounts to your preference)
Preheat oven  to 425 degrees. In a large baking pan(9x13 or larger) layer chopped tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic.  Sprinkle with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.  Cover lightly with a sheet of aluminum foil and bake for an hour.  Remove foil and continue baking for another 15 minutes.  Remove from oven and let stand until cool enough to handle.  Transfer into blender and puree until desired texture.  (May need additional seasoning)
Sauce will be thin.  You can freeze it to use later or pour into a pot on the stove and reduce it to thicken.  (You can also add tomato paste to help thicken it)

Great as a sauce for zoodles, on top of spaghetti squash or other roasted vegetables, chili starter or tomato soup starter!


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