Roasted Carrots

recipes Mar 17, 2017

There are times when I find cutting and prepping vegetables very calming.  I was having one of those days.... I popped on an audio book and went to town peeling and prepping the big bag of carrots I had that needed to get used.  For those who do meal prep (which I highly recommend) get audible and listen while you work! :)

This requires a mandolin slicer, but you can buy pre-sliced carrots and then this recipe would be ready to bake super quick!

Roasted Carrots ..Or Carrot Chips
2 lbs or carrots
3 tbsp. Coconut oil melted
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Place parchment paper or a silpat on 2 baking sheets.

Peel and Slice carrots (I love the heirloom carrots with the purple, yellow and orange).  If you are roasting your carrots you can slice them a little thicker (my mandolin has 3 thicknesses and I did middle).  If you are going for the chips do it on the thinnest setting.

Melt the coconut oil.  Add all the carrots, oil and spices to a bowl and coat evenly.

Place on prepared baking sheets.  If you are making chips make sure the carrots are not overlapping.  If you are just roasting you can be a little more hap-hazzard with them.   

Place in preheated oven for 12-14 minutes then flip carrots and bake another 5-9 minutes.  

If you are making the chips watch closely.  If they get too dried out they take on a very bitter taste.  

I found the cinnamon, cumin and coconut oil to be a unique and amazing combination.  The roasted make a flavorful side dish  or the chips are a great snack!


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