Roasted Beet Hummus

recipes Sep 15, 2015

I have been taking baby steps to liking beets over the years.  I remember as a kid my mom boiling them and wanting to gag.  It looked like she was eating something out of a horror movie to me.

I was at the public market and this sweet farmer convinced me to buy some of his beets.  They are so beautiful.  I then gave them to a friend.  The next week I was picking vegetables at another friends garden and she had the most beautiful beets.  I was faced with a mission to LIKE beets. They were haunting me at this point.  Until this recipe I could only handle about 2 bites of a pickled sweet beet before the gag response started.  BUT I LOVE BEET HUMMUS!  I might even be a little addicted to it right now.  Don’t be scared. Give it a shot.  It’s fun to try new things!  It is relatively cheap to make, so if you hate you can give it to me!

  • 2 medium-sized Red Beets
  • 1 Cup cooked chickpeas
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Lemon (juice squeezed)
  • ¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • ½ Teaspoon Sea Salt
1. Wash and trim 2 red beets and wrap them in tinfoil. Place them on a baking sheet and roast them for about an hour at 400 degrees until they are super tender.

NOTE: If you buy your beets with the greens on them, don’t toss them! Those greens are not only delicious but at one time, they were the preferred portion of the plant. Just cook them up as you would spinach or Swiss chard. I saute them with garlic and olive oil.

2. In a small fry pan, add 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds and cook them over a medium-high heat for about 5 minutes until toasted. Toss the seeds frequently to prevent them from burning. As they cook, they will release their natural oils and begin to stick together more, so have a spatula ready.

3. When the red beets are fully cooked (you can tell by poking them with a knife), remove them from the oven and let cool. Then peel and cube them.

4. Add all of the ingredients to your food processor and puree.

5. ENJOY your favorite veggies or a few whole grain crackers.

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