Red Pepper Sandwich

recipes Mar 20, 2019

YOU . ALL . THIS . IS . SO . GOOD . 
Usually I roll my eyes when I see ideas like this.  Red Pepper for "bread", that's totally lame.  But then I realize that's my defiant, junk food loving self that used to be 60 pounds heavier talking.  I am choosing to eat more veggies and this is a fast delicious way to make a tasty lunch.   
Cut the top off a Red Pepper (or any color) . 
Scoop out the seeds.
Cut in half.
Make your sandwich any way you like.
My favorite is
Smoked Turkey breast
Get creative though, so MANY things would taste good inside this!

Sit down and ENJOY!!


I still choose a real bread sandwich from time to time too:)
-Sarah CPT, ACSM, RN

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