Quick and Easy Chicken Lettuce Wraps

recipes Feb 17, 2016

5 Minute Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Serves: 1-2  (feel free to double and triple the recipe so you can have leftovers for lunches)
This was so incredibly easy to make and DELICIOUS!   Low in carbs and high in protein.  Its also gluten and dairy free!  I like to double up my romaine leaves per wrap so I am getting extra greens!  This would be super easy to pack for work lunch and I bet people would be envious!  You will have to hide it in a brown bag, put your name on it, strategically place it in the fridge and HOPE that no one will find it!
  • 4-6 romaine lettuce leaves
  • 1 medium avocado
  • ½ lemon or lime (for juice)
  • 1 cup cooked chicken, shredded or cubed
  • 1 roma tomato (or handful of grape tomatoes)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped onion (red, green, white…whatever you like!)
  • ¼ bell pepper, diced
  • Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste.
  1. Cut avocado in half, remove pit and scoop flesh into a small mixing bowl.
  2. Using a fork, mash the avocado until nearly smooth.
  3. Squeeze lemon or lime juice into bowl and mix to combine.
  4. Sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic powder (to taste) into avocado and mix completely.
  5. Stir in chicken, tomatoes, onion and bell pepper until everything is evenly coated.
  6. Scoop mixture into clean, dry romaine leaves and enjoy!


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