Perhaps the most important hour for weight loss

healthy lifestyle Oct 02, 2019


I believe every hour of the day is pretty important, so to even suggest that there might be a most important hour, it feels strange to me. But, here I am. I see a lot of people work on nutrition and weight loss , some make great progress while others struggle to get the scale to budge.


In observing people and talking to them, I think there is a most important hour for weight loss. AND it is not first thing in the morning. I believe in getting a good start to the day, but our willpower is also highest first thing in the morning.


I believe the most important hour for weight loss is your last hour awake.


I hear many times that people keep snacking after dinner up until bedtime. If weight loss is about having fewer calories coming into your body per day, then the first calories don’t matter as much as the last calories.


Many people would be better served going to bed 1-hour sooner to cut some snacking down. If you stay up long enough after dinner, you will be hungry again.


I figure it’s pretty common to take in an additional 300 calories just before bed. If your goal is weight loss, that could be a habit that costs you 30 pounds a year!


Remember, if you already have extra weight on your body, you don’t need any more calories. You need nutrients but not calories. There is no magic necessary. Finding ways to be more satisfied on fewer calories are the only tricks you need.


Maybe it’s time to set a bedtime alarm?


Start observing your behavior, is this true for you? If it is, try something different. A good night sleep has many other benefits as well, so why not get a jumpstart?


Keep working at it. You never fail if you never give up. It is always worth it when you feel great.

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