Pea and Avocado Dip

recipes Sep 05, 2017

This dip is super FAST and EASY to make.  I usually have these ingredients on hand and can make it for a quick snack or appetizer.

Pea and Avocado Dip:
1 ripe Avocado
1 cup of frozen peas thawed
1/2 fresh Lemon (juiced)
1 clove of garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Add it all to a blender or food processor.  Blend until smooth and you are ready to eat.  I use a mini food processor and that works great!

This is great as a veggie dip.

MY FAVORITE way to eat this is on a toasted piece of Ezekiel bread, thinly sliced radish on top and fresh black cracked pepper.  This is SO good and I feel like someone fancy made it for me to eat.

P.S. I actually do NOT like radishes but for some reason I LOVE them on top of this. Give it a try, you may like it!

I hope you enjoy!

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