One Solution for Osteoporosis, Loss of Balance, and Lack of Energy

healthy lifestyle Sep 30, 2019

Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people. One in three women and one in five men over fifty will suffer from bone fractures related to this disease. It doesn’t have to be this way.



Balance related issues are one of the most frequent causes of doctor’s visits as people age. The consequences of a fall can be life threatening. Hip fractures have been shown to increase the risk of mortality in the following year by 14-58%. The risk of dying after a hip fracture increases by 4% for each year after 50. It doesn’t have to be this way.


Lack of energy is one of the most commonly cited “side effects” of aging. The lifestyle that so many imagined for themselves begins to evaporate as a person’s capability seems to continually shrink. A trip up the stairs begins to become a monumental task. It doesn’t have to be this way.


There is a solution to all of these problems. 


Resistance training, when done with the proper technique and supervision, has been proven to improve balance and increase bone density. Even though energy is used up at first completing the exercises, it improves your overall energy and leads to a more vital and vibrant life. Aging doesn’t mean you have to feel old. 


Resistance training includes working with body weight, bands, weights, gravity, and certain machines. The point of resistance training is to add strength to a muscle area. 


Lynn Donohue, a personal trainer in Canandaigua, NY and Certified Aging Specialist believes that the vast majority of adults are not getting the resistance training they need. "The rocking chair does not have to be what you look forward to as you age, unless you are rocking and loving on your grandchild. Even with limitations, you can still improve the quality of your life by moving, stretching and getting some resistance training in." Lynn recommends to get at least two resistance training days in per week. As you gain ability three days per week may be a way to see faster results without increasing your risk.


By tackling this one area, people open up the ability to improve their balance, increase their energy, and even reverse the effects of osteoporosis. 


Not sure how to get started? Find a Silver Sneakers class or a personal trainer near you to help you on your journey. At Tall Trainer Fitness Systems we have a dedicated class to serving people that need this type of exercise the most. We call it Bootcamp Lite and it incorporates all the latest research and established practices It makes the golden years feel less like fools gold and more like the life you’ve always wanted to live.


Andrew is a Personal Trainer and Health Coach based in scenic Canandaigua, NY. He loves living life with his wife Samantha, and daughter Rosabelle. Author of the book Grow Your Mind, Shrink Your Waist, Andrew shares his message of growth and change with his clients, community, and everyone he comes in contact with. Known for his contagious laughter and boundless enthusiasm, Andrew has a heart for service. Let him help you. Get his book, or send him a message: [email protected]


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