No Fear

mindset Nov 08, 2019

I remember in high school the “NO FEAR” thing started getting big.  I didn’t really think much of it at the time- accept if you wore the T-shirt your parents must have had more money than mine because those t-shirts weren’t cheap. :P


Recently I have been “marketed” to and have seen the “NO FEAR” or “FEARLESS” pop back up in my demographic in a more feminine way and frankly IT DRIVES ME NUTS.  I get what they are saying and know it is meant to be encouraging.  BUT-I think it does a HUGE DISCREDIT to those who are winning every day battles or doing impressive things.  They are doing those WITH fear!


When I think of someone who has “no fear”- I often wonder what happened to them??  Were they born without some connection in their brain??  I don’t relate with this person.  Honestly, I really don’t think they exist.


Often, we look at people doing things that scare us and are quick to think- “they must NOT be scared to do that- they must NOT have fear”.  I can’t count how many times I thought that!  But the truth is, I bet that person had great fear and DOES IT ANYWAY!  When we think those things, we paralyze ourselves into believing that thing would not be possible for us!  It’s a limiting belief!! 


When I feel the most pride in Anna, is when I see the fear in her eyes- and she pushes through to DO IT ANYWAY.  She is a cautious kid and if she didn’t try the things that gave her fear she would be living a pretty sheltered boring life.   


Now I am not saying live a reckless life and just jump into everything.  But you know the things I’m talking about.  Like signing up for a class you have always wanted to try, doing  a 5k, talking to someone new, going to church, changing careers, saying no to something you don’t have time for, standing up for yourself, walking away from toxic people.... etc.


Acknowledging the fear and then doing it anyway is one the bravest things someone can do!  This is where life is lived.  This is where we move forward in reaching the goals we have and becoming the person we want to be.


So next time you are noticing someone doing something you dream of.  First- applaud them, encourage them, because I bet they are or were scared. Then,  give yourself a nudge to think-“If they can, Why can’t I”? 


The other cool thing about doing things that scare you is that fear lessens each time you do it!  So, start with some small things to build your confidence and then try some more scary things.  This snowballs your belief in what you think is possible for your life, the action you are willing to take!!  YOU start to look like YOU have NO FEAR!


What is fear holding you back from?  Is there a dream you just don’t do because of fear?

What are some small things that scare you?  Could you start practicing doing some of those? 





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