No Bake Energy Bites

recipes Feb 27, 2019

These are so good.  If you are one who is always grabbing an energy bar this is a great alternative that hasn't been processed and you can control the quality. 
I like that they are small, I find most bars are too many calories for what I need in the moment but somehow I finish the whole darn thing.  With that said WATCH OUT because the calories can add up quick with these.  
I often pop one before a workout when I am not fueled enough and don't want a lot of volume in my stomach.  
No Bake Energy Bites
1/2 cup of almond or peanut butter
2 tsp. unsweetened coconut (optional)
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 Tbsp. Jam (any flavor)
1 Tbsp. chia seeds
1 Tbsp hemp hearts or seeds
1 tsp. vanilla extract (I have used maple and it was amazing too)
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips (optional)
In a bowl mix all ingredients together until well combined.  
The mixture is a little sticky so I used a small cookie scoop and shape the balls.  
This makes 12 "bites"
Store in refrigerator for 1 week or you can freeze them as well :)
Nutritional Value per bite-
with chocolate chips and coconut:
126 Calories. 11g Carb . 4.2g Protein . 8.3g Fat . 
without chocolate or coconut:
100 Calories . 8.2g Carb . 4g Protein . 6.4g Fat . 

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