News-3 things that could end the health care crisis!

Hey Friend,

You may have seen this online but just in case you haven't it is a very shocking and hyping kind of statement that I said first in a class off the cuff.  I began thinking about it deeper and realized "Whoa, if we could get everyone doing these 3 things it could end the health care crisis!"  Of course getting people to do anything is the ultimate challenge, but maybe you can do these things for yourself to decrease your chances of having a personal health care crisis. 

You might have heard about these before but I find I need reminders constantly.

>>Click on the image or this link to watch <<

If you are local and want to hear a Faith based health and fitness talk I've got the honor to fill in at the West Bloomfield Congregational Church at 10 am THIS Sunday!  (  I'm used to speaking but does it mean I'm preaching if it's in front of a church on Sunday?  :o)  (God help me represent You well!!!)

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