Never a "gym class hero"

transformation stories Sep 23, 2015


What a Transformation Kathy!  You are AMAZING!!

Here is her story:

Our family life with two adults and two active teens had grown into such a hectic rush of work schedules, school activities and volunteer responsibilities that I seriously considered moving my kitchen table into the van in order for us to actually share a meal together. With all too many meals away from home, on the go or short-order style when we were home, my weight had crept up to a significant level of extra pounds. I felt sluggish, had no energy, flexibility or stamina and found I was increasingly dissatisfied with the way I looked.

I started attending Tall Trainer with my son during the summer after he graduated from high school as a way to get him and myself into a better habit of exercise and nutrition awareness before he headed to college.

I was never what Sarah called a “gym class hero” – I didn’t play sports or take dance or gymnastics as a kid, and as an adult I was completely unreliable to exercise on my own. (I used my treadmill to hang up the extra ironing, and my idea of an aerobic workout was speed reading.) The class structure and accountability at Tall Trainer gave me the tools and support I needed to develop and maintain healthier eating habits and to get regular exercise

I love the variety in the workouts and appreciate the encouragement from the trainers and my classmates. I have learned so much about nutrition and all the ancillary factors that affect my weight and health (getting enough sleep and water have been huge eye-openers for me) and what my body really needs, and the Vitabot program has helped me become so much more aware of what is best for me to eat to feel full and still stay on track for weight loss. I’m so pleased to discover I am developing and defining muscle at this age – it’s never too late!


P.S. Still can’t see how I’d ever really climb a mountain with those Mountain Climbers…

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