My Body is now as strong as my Mind!

transformation stories Mar 09, 2016

Meet Chrissy!

I have done many diets through the years and I always put the weight back on...I come from a family of great cooks so good food has always been around which did not help and then having kids made me cook and bake more things at when I first came to Tall Trainer I was at my lowest (highest weight) I have ever been at.  I was eating badly all the time and not caring and not doing a single stitch of exercise and felt horrible about myself.
The inspiration for me was Christine, she had tried to get me for the longest time to just try a class and always said you can do it but I just did not believe in myself enough to believe I could.  So when I got to the heaviest I had gotten I said that is enough and finally had the courage to take Christine advice and just try it.   I saw how it changed her life and I wanted that change.  I wanted to be able to physical activities with my kids and not feel like throwing up.  I wanted to feel physically and mentally better about myself, I wanted the confident person back that said no to nothing no matter how hard it was.  So if it wasn't for her keeping after me and finally making me see that I can do it, who knows where I would be right now and I owe her so much for that!
The biggest result for me is being fit enough to do physical stuff with my family...we went to Grims Glenn this summer and in the past we could never go to the second part of the fall because I could never get myself up the ropes but this year not a problem at all we were able to do it as a family and not have to leave mom behind or the kids feeling bad because they had to leave mom behind.  The fact that my body is now as strong as my mind has made my life so much better physically and mentally, I feel amazing!  Even when I hurt during workouts and the old me would have just given up, I now just push through it. I have now started to run and hope to do my first 5K at the Annalise run.
I also could not have done this without the group of people (people who have turned into great friends) that I workout with...they are an amazing support system that kicks my butt when I need and makes me laugh when I need it.  Andrew has also been such a great support to me always making me do heavier weights and just pushing me that extra mile even when I don't want it.
Thank you Tall Trainer for everything you all do!! You are all amazing people!!

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