My 5 boring steps to MAXIMUM weight loss

My 5 boring steps to maximum weight loss


These are the first 5 things I would do if I had a goal to lose weight.  They are nothing fancy but when people ACTUALLY do them they are instantly more successful.  Maybe you can do them this weekend!


Step 1 – Clean the temptations out of your house.  (not by eating them)


In a moment of strength trash the tempting carbohydrates in your house.  (chips, cereal, cookies, etc.)  In one study they found if someone had visible cereal in the kitchen you could add 20 pounds to their body weight!  Your environment matters!


Step 2 – Sit down with our food journaling software/app and plan my week. 


Here are some of the things I would be making sure were in my plan.  Enough Protein - .64-.9 grams per pound of body weight (if you have a lot to lose then shoot for 100 g to start).  Veggies – I want to make sure I have enough veggies in my day to allow my body to feel full and have good nutrition flowing through it.  About 908 grams is my goal (they are mostly water anyway).  Meal Timing – I would set up my day to have about 6 meals/snacks with protein and veggies in as many as possible.  Fat – I would make sure every meal had around 10 grams of fat so I could feel full. Daily Treat – since you can pull off good nutrition at a VERY low calorie level I would plan in a little treat everyday to keep my sanity.  I’d rather have a little treat than an extra ½ cup of rice. 


Step 3 – Shop and Prep


I’d hit the grocery store with my shopping list I would print off the program and buy all the stuff I needed.  As soon as I got home I would cook, chop, and get as much of it as ready as possible so during the week I am 5 minutes or less from a nutritious meal.  This one works for our clients every time.  Every time they shop and prep they have one of their best weeks ever!


Step 4 – Set workout times


If you don’t give it an exact time in your day it isn’t going to happen.  I would of course choose which fitness boot camp class I would join.  (I workout with our noon class).  I recommend making a commitment to something, but if you can’t then you need to choose your times and workouts for the week BEFORE the week happens.  No walking into the gym or basement not knowing what you are going to do.  Outside of boot camp class I try to run 1x per week.  If I don’t choose my weekend morning then I don’t fit it in…I skip it Saturday then I don’t “feel like it” on Sunday. 


Step 5 – Plan Evening Activities


This is one of our most vulnerable times of the day.  Our willpower is at it’s lowest and many people tend to yearn for a vegetative state in front of electronics while popping snacks in their mouth.  I would plan things to do in the evening and probably an earlier bed time.  If you skip the last hour of the day that you normally waste in that zombie state you might have time and energy to workout in the morning.  Think family board games, house projects, crafting hobby, go for a walk, even sign-up for an evening workout class or painting or bible study so you aren’t as vulnerable during this time. 


These are my 5-steps if I was going to try to lose weight.  The people I see win at weight loss are doing something very similar to this. It doesn’t have to be rocket science to lose weight, but you do need to have a couple break through habits in place. Give these 5 a try!  If you want to join our fitness boot camp or just use our nutrition program you can contact us here!


Good Luck!  Have fun!  Be safe!

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