Mexican Cauliflower Rice Skillet

recipes Oct 05, 2017

This is SO fast and so EASY!  Its good warm or cold.  I make a huge batch and put together meals to eat for lunch for the next several days!  You are getting a TON of veggies without it feeling like you are chewing for days!

This is a MUST ADD to your recipe box!

1 pound of lean ground beef or turkey 
1/2 medium onion diced
1 red pepper diced
3 tbsp. taco seasoning (I use trader joe's brand)
12 ounces cauliflower rice (fresh or frozen)
1 14 ounce can of diced tomatoes (or fresh)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

-In a large skillet over medium heat, brown the ground meet until almost cooked through.  Add the onion and pepper and continue to cook until no longer pink.  Stir in the taco seasoning

-Add the tomatoes and cauliflower rice and stir to combine. ( 6-10 min)

-Sprinkle cheese on top and cover until the cheese is melted.

I like to add some avocado on top or plain greek yogurt. 

*substitute beans for the meat and leave off the cheese and sprinkle with nutritional yeast if you are vegetarian or vegan:)

I hope you enjoy! 

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